Feb 28, 2005


In case you missed it the first time, here's the link to my other blog.
I bring it up because it has the story of something important and he caused me to cry for the first time in a long time, so you know it's gotta be good. And there's other good stuff there too, so check it out.

Feb 27, 2005

The life and times of Che

Today was a good day. I woke up and played some frisbee golf with mitch and edward, and then went to big city for lunch. We sat around, then went to Olive Garden for dinner. Then, needless to say, i sat on the toilet for a while. Then i went over to mitch's house and smoked a short fatty that i had rolled, and then we watched the motorcycle diaries. It was really good. I suggest it to you all. Especially if you're tired of seeing che's face everywhere and not knowing the story behind this amazing revolutionary. The movie doesn't tell the whole story, but it sets the background story for him, which is amazing. Check it out.

Feb 25, 2005

GT 4 you.

These past few days have been ones of fear and fun, however those two go together, go figure. Sock assassins was well under way and i was yet to get my first victim, but i didn't worry until i heard that one guy already had six people, including edward. Hahahahaha. It was then that i found out that matt had the guy that was trying to get me, so i set up the brilliant plan for him to jump out and get the dude while he's trying to get me. Then matt would have my name, and i'd just take one for the team so he could get a double kill. The plan worked perfectly, even better than i had imagined it, and now i'm out of sock assassins, but for a good cause. And now i can open my door again. What did i do while locked away in my room? John bought gran turismo 4 and so we've invested a great deal of time into that and we've gotten some sick ass cars so i figure that my time has been well spent.
Tonight was pretty fun. First, when we were at dinner at edwards, we saw that they had cupcake decorating, so we jumped at the chance. I was basically the only guy there when i sat down for whatever reason, but then edward joined me, and sara, but she doesn't really count as a guy for obvious reasons. The decorating was fun and we each got 5 cupcakes for it, and sara's led to her eventual downfall in sock assassins. R.I.P. Then we went and hooped it up at the rec center where craig (benedict arnold) traded teams again, but him and two other asian kids beat brian matt and i. Then we played a little pig and then just tossed up some half court shots. I tried a full court, two-handed shot and it went off the front of the rim, so i was pretty bummed about that, but all that tore up my shoulder, so i'll be feeling it later for sure.
That's really about it from here. I know i had more to say, but this is surely enough. Good night.

Feb 23, 2005

Assassinations everywhere

It's weird how these things seem to be interconnected. Tonight we started sock assassins, a game going on in our dorm where we have to hit people with socks to "assassinate" them and get them out of the game, and we get points for it. In the news: there was a man in virginia plotting to assassinate bush. what are they teaching us here? haha whatever. If they try to find a positive correlation between sock-related assassination games and assassination attempts on the president, i'm getting the fuck out of the country because.... that would just be too much.
Tonight i watched "i (heart) huckabees". It was strange. People talk about how you can either love or hate a movie, and this would normally be one of those, but i don't think you can do either. It went on as it did, and it had it's ups and downs, and i think everyone can take something from it, but in the end might not be completely fulfilled. I took my parts of it, and enjoyed it. The cast was great and the concept was great. If you got the time and want a bit of a thinker, check it out, but otherwise you might be a bit bored with the theory in it.
I had a busy day other than that and went to just about every shop in town, but got done what i needed to. I also found out that i got a 76% on my speech, which i thought i kicked total ass at, but i guess the teacher felt like being a little bitch on the grading that day. And we were getting along so well.
Alright, that was it, i hope you all had a good one. Good night.

Feb 22, 2005

It's all so clear now.

I think that being an automobile mechanic may be the most cost effective job ever. It seems like they make 300% more than they should. I bet you know where this is all coming from. I picked up my car today, and while we were expecting it to be $60 to $100, it ended up being a little over $450. $450!!!!! I got my tires aligned, then they came up with some other crap that was broken. They didn't say what, but they just said it was vital to the procedure. Fukdat. I'm sure i could've spent $100 on books on how to fix the shit by myself, and it would've been perfectly fine. So, i think when it comes down to it the next time, i'll just build my own car so i know how everything works and i can fix it for free when i need to. Screw this all. I'm sure you've all had problems with this too, so once i get my business started, if you guys need to get your car fixed, bring in your car and mention this post to get a spectacular discount. That's just the way i am.
I hope to see you all opening day.

Feb 21, 2005

Not another one. Yes, now sit down and take it like a man, he says.

The third one tonight, i think i'm finally getting addicted, but i got good news. I have a new blog, so if you want to wander over there and check it out, go for it. Here's the link: (.)(.) if you catch my drift. No, really, it's much more mature than this blog, so i suggest you check it out.


I've finally done it. I've conquered the beast that has been at me for a couple months now. I finally finished Scar Tissue, Anthony Kiedis's book about his exploits with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. It took me a while because i got halfway through, and then break hit, and i set it down, but unlike 90% of the other books that i try to read, i picked this one back up and made it all the way through. It was a good experience and i came out a changed man. Here is what i learned:
1. Even if you say you'll try drugs once, it won't just be once. Like Pringles.
2. Jack Nicholson smokes pot. Crazy, man.
3. There seems to be three levels in life: The rich, the working class and the street class. This is where the "small world" effect comes from. We tend to know everyone in our own class, but not the others. Unless we need drugs, then we're willing to go outside our comfort zone. (This was not in the book, but just something i realized in my own life and while reading about the celebrity chains in the book.)
4. All great musicians seem to draw inspiration from The Police. You know, the band.
I guess that's all i really remember, which makes for a pretty weak list, but hopefully it will make you want to read the book for yourself to learn more.
Music leads me into my next point, which is writing, and i have to complain that as of late, i've been completely unable to write anything of importance. Other than this blog, i hope. But t've talked to my therapist and after putting me on meds, we talked about it and found out that i'm just uninspired. I don't really have any explanation for it, except for my old teacher in high school Mr. Roberts used to give us all kinds of crazy shit to write about, and that always got my mind working, but since then, i really haven't had my mind working in any kind of connected manner. Since writing has always been fun for me, and it lets me get out a lot of my emotions, this is a problem for me, but i'm waiting for the moment where i'll see something and the words will just start coming to me. Then i can sit down and write about it, and i'll be cured. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't, but we'll see. If you all can think of a great way to inspire me, such as sending me sexy photos or just punching me in the face so i can write about the blistering pain, i'm all for it. There you go.
Sorry this post is long, and i hope it doesn't distract you from the other post i wrote tonight, which is even longer. Check it out, why not? Good night for the reals.

Breaking new ground.

I'm really quite pathetic, i must say. I went home this weekend, and for once, i just sat and chilled with my family. They usually give me crap or hassle me about school or whatever, but we just sat around and watched movies. We kind of had to though. My mom had foot surgery, and it was worse than she thought it would be, so she's in a cast and it'll be about 6 weeks of rehab or something like that i think she said. She has to use crutches to get around, but i still had the heart to hassle her that she was too slow on them. What a bastard i am. She laughed and my dad laughed, so i guess it was all good. The worst part is that this was just one foot, and once this one is healed, she gets to have it on her other foot too, so i guess it'll be a while till i get to hoop it up with her again.
So we sat and watched troy last night. The critics hated it, and i agree it was a bit slow to develop at times, but it still kept me hanging on almost every word that was said. And the fight scene between hector and achilles rivals some of the best coreographed fight scenes in recent memory (crazy ass fighting like in kill bill or hero not included). Also, with my mom incapacitated, i figured i'd help her out with some work. This is where i'm really pathetic. I did my laundry for the first time... ever. Yeah. My mom doesn't usually mind doing our laundry, so i don't usually think much of it, but it was really quite easy when it came down to it. Well, duh, but i never got the "hot-cold" "warm-cold" stuff and when you use that, and then there's regular fabrics and permanent press and all those. I've just never taken the time to figure it all out, and i bet you i couldn't do it all again right now if i had to. Yeah, just like that. But i got it done and got it all back to school, so i'm set for another week with some sweet smelling underwears.
Tonight then, the boys and i got back to what we do best. Well, first we watched the nba all star game, which was rather uninspired if you ask me, but it was a good reason to use the big screen and ping pong table downstairs. Then we went back to the gym and got our games on, since we missed basically all of last week because of tests and what not. Tonight was pretty good. We played some 2 on 2 and craig and i won both times, the second time going into extra points. Then we played some pig, which i won with a behind the back pass off the backboard into a layup. It was crazy. And then i realized that i could not only touch the rim now, but i can grab onto it. I'm not really trying to brag, but i'm trying to advertise my shoes. I guess i'm bragging about my shoes, but in the past year or so i've just bought crappy shoes at, oh... super wal mart for dirt cheap, and i haven't had many good $50+ dollar shoes. What are birthdays for? So i was pretty happy about my hops tonight, but i'll still shit myself if i ever dunk. That's forbidden territory as far as i'm concerned.
After that i took a nice shower and watched napoleon dynamite for the 4th or 5th time. Still funny. Once again, it was good to just sit and talk, and i got some quality conversation in with nancy. I guess it's quality even if you're just talking about the movie, but it's getting better.
Well, that was my weekend. I hope all of yours were kickin' too. Good night.


Feb 19, 2005

Assuming it's fast.

Quick story, which i thought was ironic. The other night at the club, i was standing around watching guys try to pick up chicks. I saw one guy who came up behind this girl and looks around her shoulder and gives her this crazy ass smile. The best way i can describe it is: it's like the smile that Kip gives to La Fawnda in Napoleon Dynamite when they're having the picnic and she takes off his glasses and he kind of puts his head down and puts on a stupid grin. That's all i could think of, but it looked just as pathetic. However, it worked and he was mackin on the girl hard core in the ass. Whatever.
So, tonight, we're at a party, and there's a buttload of people, but i see this same kid walk in, but he had this huge black eye and a cut from his eye down to his cheek. I couldn't help but laugh, but then i saw that he was still giving girls the same awkward smile, so it must not have been an angry boyfriend at the club that gave him the shiner.

What do i know?

Recently, it seems like my posts have been losing steam, and i'm surprised people still read them anymore, but as long as i get comments, i'll keep writing. If i bore you, though, comment on the post saying something like "This post sucked" or "Eat shit", so i know exactly what the problem is. It's like an interactive blog, except you'll get nothing in return. Nothing.
I guess my story will start out with this morning. I went to my comp class where we had to turn in the final draft of our "portfolio 1" as it was called. I had everything together (everything that i had done, that is) and i had it all in a nice stapled stack. Then when i go to hand it in, she says "You need it in a folder, or else i can't accept it". This was at the end of the class, and i had a test in mass media in ten minutes. I checked my pockets to see if i had any money with which i could buy a folder at the bookstore, but nothing came up. So i took off, stack of papers in hand.
I went into mass media, and i was freaking out cause i had just walked out of my previous class with a large portion of my grade. I sat there contemplating what i could do with Edward by my side, and then i remembered my spiral notebook. I fling it open and look at the front where there's a divider with two pockets on the outside. I ripped it out (which i was sad about cause i put a lot of important papers in there) and flipped it around so the pockets were on the inside. Then i put my portfolio 1 in there. It looked like shit. There was still a bunch of holes along the side from where i ripped it out, and there was my class schedule written on one of the pockets. I figured it would do. I went through my test, but i thought i was in a hurry to get the portfolio 1 back to her, so i didn't exactly take my time, but i'll hope for the best on my grade.
I got out of the class and headed back to where my first class was and i handed the portfolio 1 to her. "Here you go, i found a folder". She gave me a look like i was a freakin retard, but she smiled, and i knew i was gold. "Alright, if this is all you could find, then i guess i'll take it." I wanted to throw it in her face, and comment on how it would've looked better stapled together anyways, but i was thankful that she took it at all. I'll still probably get a bad grade on it since i missed a lot of daily busy work that she likes to hand out, but, like they say, anything is better than a zero.

Feb 18, 2005

Welcome to Sin City

Man, what a crazy ass week it's been, huh? I'm sure some of you can agree. I just want the weekend to be here, and then we can start it all over again. I've been trying to cool down, but i just want to get out and do stuff. I get cranky in here. I try watching movies to keep me calm. Right now i'm watching pulp fiction. I'm looking forward to sin city. The cast is freakin amazing, and robert rodriguez is directing, so hopefully it will kick some major ass. After that, i don't know what's coming out really, i barely ever go to movie's anymore. Ray is the last movie i saw in theatres, and that was last year. So if you got any recommendations, give me a send. Talk to you later everyone.

Feb 17, 2005

Mother shitter. Damn it all to hell.

I don't know why i even try anymore. I'm obviously not a dancer, and i don't fit in at the club scene, but i try anyways. I have fun, which some people don't understand... you know, but Suzanne teaches me how to dance (not to criticize your teaching, Suzanne). "Don't bend your knees. Don't bob your head at all. Don't bounce. Don't sway too much. Find a beat, but not the beat that's most obvious in the music..." I have a punk rock background and i grew up head banging and throwing my arms up in the air, celebrating music for how fucking kick ass it is. The club scene is the exact opposite, and it seems like a fully clothed orgy to me. Maybe i should've just taken some X before i went. Stupid me. So i danced for a little while, and found it mildly enjoyable to dance as instructed, but after 2 and a half hours, it kind of lost it's muster, even if you dance with other people. So i say that i'm bored. Maybe i made everyone else leave a bit sooner than they had hoped, but they won't have to worry about that the next time they go. Give me rock and roll, and don't tell me not to groove to my fucking music. It's what i do. Good night.

Hippity Hop

Feb 16, 2005

Sticking together is what good pancakes do.

Mitch and I just hanging out, bent over the rail of Kim's balcony. Just talking, we were.

There's a gay mafia.

Well, i found out that alicia, my RA, reads my blogs too, and she found out some of the stuff we do so i gotta tone it down, but she's cool. Right alicia? So here was today. I woke up 40 minutes late, but luckily i still had about another 40 minutes to get to class, but i had to print out papers for my speech and i had to get a videotape from the lory student center before i went to class, so i was a bit stressed out. I took a quick shower and printed out the papers, then laced up my new shoes and was gonna ride my bike to the LSC to get there faster. I run out the door and look outside. Shit. There was a couple inches of snow. I ran back to my room, got on my shitty shoes, and i had to take off down the street since my bike was covered in snow. I ran into the LSC and got my tape, then got to class just in time. I go and take a seat and i look up at the board. Son of a... I didn't have to go today. I'm such a stupid ass, but i guess i'm the only one to blame. So in the end i guess it was better that i didn't have to go today since i was stressed out. Then i came and took a nice little nap and then went to the mall with sara to get the ink tag taken off my belt. They didn't ask any questions.
We came back here and watched garden state, which was good, but i had trouble concentrating the whole time for various reasons. Then alicia, sarah, and i ordered some pizza and watched trapped, which was decent. It was a pretty typical mostly mindless thriller. When that was over i came back in and i've been talking with john and brian for the past hour and a half or so. We were eating the leftover breadsticks, and brian was up on his bunkbed, and he kicked off his socks and one of them landed in the pizza box. We laughed and told him to get it out of there, so he leans over off the bed to grab it and he fell off, landing awkwardly on top of the chair below him and knocking the pizza sauce all over the carpet. We just laughed at him. So that was today. I guess it was more interesting to me than some of the other days, so i hope you liked it. Goodnight.

Feb 14, 2005

My so called wife.

Well, it was my birthday yesterday and i celebrated by bowling and staying up all night, then leaving early to go snowboarding, and i'm still going strong now at 11:40 or so, even though i hit a few lows during the day. I'll start with last night. After we went bowling i came back and knocked on john's door and he comes to the door wearing no shirt, but his... friend elaine's bra. Then she yells "John, bring that back here". I wonder what they were doing in there... huh? huh? I was tired at the moment, and it caught me off guard so i laughed about it for a good 2 minutes and almost had to sit down. Then John tried hooking me up with Heidi, but to no avail. Thanks anyways bro. haha. Then everyone went their seperate ways, and i sat up for another couple hours playing video games and eating pretzels.
A long ordeal later, i was up and at it again, with only a small half to one hour nap, and edward and i were off to go snowboarding. He got free rentals through sara at breeze rentals, and then we went to loveland pass. It was fun teaching edward how to snowboard and getting to watch him run into poles and eat shit in massive wipeouts of powder. Then we came back and had some shitty cold subway... i still don't know what was up with that, and some good starbucks, and made it back in time for the pro bowl. Oh when we returned the snowboard, i got a badass visor from breeze for $5. And that was my day for the most part. Damn, that was kind of boring. Sorry. Valentine's day is tomorrow, and maybe i have a date with sara. I'm not quite sure what was going on. I hope it goes well for everyone else. Bye.

Feb 13, 2005

Social Destruction

I feel like an idiot since it seems i post about all the same things that my friend mitch does, but in case none of you read his blog, here it is. Last night we (mitch, my bro and i) went to the social distortion concert at the fillmore, and it kicked some pretty big ass. Even though there is still a lot of their music that i haven't fully discovered, listening to the new tunes and shouting along to the ones that i did know was a blast, of course. I was a little concerned before the concert. I was looking for someone to go with us to the concert, and i could barely even find someone that had heard of them. They've been around since way before i was born and have been featured in a lot of movies and have gotten a lot of play on the radio. Either way, if you want to listen to them, go for it definitely, but if you're fine living your life without some real kick ass music, i can't stop you.
Another interesting moment during the concert was when a girl was looking for her boyfriend's hips and instead found the inside of my leg and moved it in further towards my sweet spot. It was right about then that she realized what was happening, and pulled her hand back, but the satisfaction was done. Then, after the concert we found a hookah cafe where they have gyros and kabobs and whatnot, and even though i didn't have anything the other night, i might have to go there after my next concert.
Well, Edward and i are going snowboarding in... about 5 and a half hours, so i'll get to bed and talk to y'alls later. I hope everyone had a good Abe Lincoln's birthday, and don't forget valentine's day, which i'll probably be writing a depressing post about. good night.

Feb 11, 2005

5 minute plan

Fastball - The Way
They made up their minds
And they started packing
They left before the sun came up that day
An exit to eternal summer slacking
But where were they going
Without ever knowing the way?
They drank up the wine
And they got to talking
They now had more important things to sayAnd when the car broke down
They started walking
Where were they going without ever knowing the way?

Anyone could see
The road that they walk on is paved in gold
And it's always summer, they'll never get cold
They'll never get hungry
They'll never get old and gray
You can see their shadows
Wandering off somewhere
They won't make it home
But they really don't care
They wanted the highway
They're happy there today , today

I thought about it tonight and i just want to get the hell out of here. I hate most aspects of college at the present moment, and i don't see myself actually getting down to learning anything in the near future. I just want to go the border. Yeah it sounds corny and stereotypical, but i want to go to Mexico. I want to be an architect and design a house for myself down there, and i want to build it by myself. I want to design my own restaurant and i want to cook people food and make them happy and fulfilled. I want to sit out on my deck looking out over the landscape and i want to paint portraits of whatever inspires me while listening to my music at full blast so the whole town can hear. I want to get married and have kids and I want to tutor my kids and other kids and start a soccer team, a baseball team, a football team, a badminton team, a water polo team, whatever comes to mind. I want to teach my kids how to play these sports and i want all the little mexican children to play these sports with my kids too. I want to sit out on the beach at night with my wife and my friends and i want to drink beer and make love and fall asleep happy. Then i'll do it all over again the next day.
What's more productive than that? Seriously

Feb 10, 2005

Reminiscent of the Ice Bowl

We went and played basketball tonight (Edward, Craig, Matt, Brian and I) and probably got in over our heads like we usually do. We went in and found a half empty court, and challenged some of the bigger guys in the gym. Some of the times we could hang with them, but sometimes they would just bust out crazy ass shots that were close to impossible to defend. As usual, i got the big aggressive dude, and this guy was taking it way too seriously. He'd post up and get all in my face, and it looked like he wasn't having an ounce of fun in the game. We'd try to make jokes or do whatever, but he kept giving us stare downs and would try to pull out some crazy shit. Screw that stuff, i'm there to get a workout and have fun, and there's these guys that sit in there all day and practice their threes and their alley-oops, just so they can make idiots out of us. It works, and i think it's funny when i pull off a good move and dunk it over their asses, or dribble it between their legs, but you don't see me showboating with it. Anyways, playing these guys makes me better and gives me a better workout. Oh yeah, so the title. After we were done, i walked outside and steam was rising off my head. It was pretty badass. Just like the ice bowl, baby.
# 56

Feb 9, 2005

It's way to late for this shit.

I have one main thing to say. "I was drunk" should never be accepted as an excuse for stupid actions on anyone's part, regardless of whether you were actually drunk or not. I've never tried using that alone as an excuse for my actions, and i find it ridiculous when people make total asses out of themselves and then try to cover it up in the morning with these simple words. Alcohol does shitty ass things to you, and yeah, i get messed up, but i take responsibility for my actions while drunk, and if i ever do anything to hurt anyone, i always make up for it at the time or in the morning. I can't stand anymore nighttime demons coming out and putting all this shit on my lap and expecting me to take it all in stride. As Robin Williams says "Fukitol" or something along those lines. Anyways, Happy Ash Wednesday. I've giving up swearing...

Not too old, just too tired.

Feb 7, 2005

Super Bowl indeed.

Today was a good day. Well, the whole weekend was good. I'll start with last night. I went down to Boulder to spend the night so Mitch and i could go boarding today, so we hung out down there and had a little to drink. Our friend Laura got pretty trashed and threw up a lot, but she was pretty funny, but i must say the highlight of the night was when we went out to have a smoke and a homeless fellow came up and started talking to us. He asked us about our cigs and if they had weed in them, then he started talking about how he just got out of jail for plinking a guy's sunglasses, and how it was getting down to the 2-minute warning (which we figured was the last call for alcohol). Then, out of nowhere he goes "I think i got something here" and he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a stuffed bear and gave it to Jen, a girl that lives on Mitch's floor. She was pretty creeped out by the guy in general, and she definitely didn't like the gift, but she was polite. Then he talked about being in the army and some more about the 2-minute warning, and then, again, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out this stuffed mouse. It was much creepier than the bear since it had a rubberband aorund it's eyes and a messed up scarf around it's neck, and he gave that to Jen too. I don't know where he gets these things, but i thought it was hilarious. Then, just as suddenly as he had arrived, he left and fell in with another group of kids walking around, and he followed them into one of the dorms. Jen was afraid of the animals so she gave them to me, and i still have them since everyone i've talked to since has wanted nothing to do with them. Then i had a good sleep.
I woke up this morning and we drove up to A Basin for some boarding. It was so empty being super bowl sunday, and we didn't have to wait at all all day long. It was pretty sweet. We rode for a while, then took a break for lunch. We took off our crap and took the hardest freakin hike i've ever taken into the trees to the side of the runs and ate our sandwiches that mitch had hoarked from the cafeteria i think, and then we smoked a j. Man. It hit us hard. I heard that it was fun snowboarding stoned, which it was, but it was hard. It slows your reactions down so much and makes your turns sloppy. I kind of wiped out a few times (i just had to catch my self from falling too hard) but it was still fun. Then we left a bit early and still made it back for the super bowl. Kick ass man. I guess, i watched a bit of it but didn't really get into it. When i got back to the dorms, everyone was gone and so i just got some food and kind of crashed and took a nap, and woke up in time to see the pats had won. Good for them or whatever. Anyways, i'm guessing just about everyone out there watched a bit of it, so i hope everyone had a good time. Yeah, so that was my weekend. I'll probably be posting within the week cause i got a few big events coming up, so i'll let you know how those go. Later y'all.
Corporal Crapperall