May 28, 2006

The Beebee House

So here's the set up. Yeah, i've been stealing internet up at my new house, and while the guy i'm sharing a room with gets a good enough connection to stream music and everything, i barely have enough time to write a stupid/halfway witty comment on someones blog before i get kicked off. Life is unfair, but i guess that's the life when you steal other people's shit.

But really, things are going well. Work is going great. The house is... ok i suppose. It's really kind of comical, this house.
- The dishwasher is rusted on the inside, and has a pool of brown and blue in the bottom.
- One of the showers is a faucet. One of the showers has a hole in the back wall, which is covered up by a severely water-damaged painting.
- I haven't even ventured to go downstairs, but i hear there's a washer and dryer, a weight room, and a handful of replacement mattresses which all look soiled... to the max. Supposedly the clothes washer also spits out brown water.... I do my laundry at my parents house.
- There's no bowls, but there are about 50 tiny coffee cups. There are 3 normal-sized drinking glasses.
- One of the guys that lives there is supposed to be getting out today. He would go to work with the fox acres building maintenance crew, clock in and then leave, then was completely taken by surprise when they fired him. He went back the next day, and they fired him again. I guess he was also fired from the grounds maintenance crew last year. If he's not out by today, the cops will come help him move, which he doesn't want because he's already been to jail twice.
-Another guy i'm living with has 3 DUIs, and sounds like Boomhower from King of the Hill. I think it must be something with me... this string of weird roommates (not including the ones i choose to live with). They'll probably all be gone by the end of the year.

That's all i've gotten figured out in the first 4 days that i've been there, so i'm sure there's plenty more goodness to come. I'll let you know as soon as the internet pops up.

May 9, 2006


I don't know whether or not any of you like Little Ceasar's, but either way, it's coming back to Fort Collins. Hell yeah!