Dec 23, 2004

Paul demands respect

No, not me really, but yes, i do. I demand repsect for Paul. Just not me Paul. Paul Reubens. You know, PeeWee Herman. Tonight i watched PeeWee for the first time in a long time, and i wonder how some of my friends refuse to watch the movie with me, namely, Sara, i think it was. I don't think you can deny PeeWees childish charm if you've seen the movie. If you can watch him dance up on that bar in front of the bikers or, watch him ride through the billboard on a motorcycle soon after that, or watch the mexicans say "adobe" without at least cracking a smile, then the child inside of you is dead. The stupid humor that's present in this movie is what so often goes missing in some of the gross teen comedies, which thankfully have died off some themselves, and is somewhat present in movies like Napoleon Dynamite. Thank God for geeks. I think, and hope, the industry will see the success of these kinds of movies and make more mindless humor, yet works for our laughs with originality. Thatsa spicy movie there.

Dec 12, 2004

Mechanical Arms: The Silent Killer

Tonight, i saw the single most hilariously bizarre acted of drunken stupidity that i have ever seen in my 18 long years of watching people perform hilariously bizarre acts of drunken stupidity. We were gooning around at our patch of territory in town known as Chipper's Lanes, and we were bowling a few games and having a good time in lane 6. Meanwhile, the goofy bastards (they looked like frat boys and soror girls) down in 1 and 2 were boozing it up and having a gay ol' time in more ways than one. Well, one of the goofy bastards was particularly drunk, and for whatever reason (he probably just sucks at bowling) he took off down the lane and tried sliding into the pins. He slid to a stop a couple feet short, so he got up, ran a bit more, and then slid into them, knocking them over. What a freakin' accomplishment, huh? Well, then, as usually happens when pins are knocked down, the pin clearer comes down right on the kids knees, and wipe up his ass, and push him farther into the dark abyss. Then it tries coming back out, but it gets stuck on his huge ass or something, so his friends had to call the workers over. Everyone in my lane and lane 4 were laughing our asses off and taking pictures, and some of the kids friends took pictures and laughed too, except for his girlfriend, who was crying. So the employees come over, and they basically have to take the machine apart to get the kid out. I can only imagine what that conversation was like on the walk back down the lane.
So, they get back and the lady that worked there was pretty pissed, so she asked them to pay for their beer (of which they had just ordered 2 more pitchers) and she might have asked them to pay for damages of some sorts too, but they didn't feel like doing that, and i think the kid even threatened to sue them because the arm hurt his back. So the lady was kinda pissed, so she went and called the cops. They showed up. She fuzz. She didn't look too happy to be doing that kind of crap, but she got back up from a guy who stood around with his hands on his waist. So the cops just told the people to pay for whatever they were supposed to and leave or they'd arrest them for trespassing. Unfortunately, they started cooperating and did what they said, so i didn't get to see anyone get cuffed. That really would've capped off the night.
Apart from that, i had some mediocre games. And we got Wendy's. OH YEAH!!

Dec 8, 2004

I Think I Stunk A Stench

Gather round my readers and i will tell you a tale of great truth and stench.
Today at work, i was doing my usually job, being the company serf (which isn't as much fun as surfing i found out) by stringing chips when something strange and disgusting happened. As i was cut off from the rest of the group, i can only imagine what really happened, but i think i have a pretty good idea... Lucifer, possibly disguised as Chris, the FedEx guy, waltzed in the front door like Chris always does, knowing that we wouldn't think twice about his presence. Then he walked straight into the bathroom and took a dump. I'm not talking about "I think i'll sit on the toilet for a while and see what happens" kind of dump, i'm talking about "I just had the Rio for breakfast, lunch and dinner" kind of dump. Then he flushed the toilet and went about his normal routine.
Meanwhile, i was still downstairs, and it was then that i heard a sound much like a farty and bloated volcano coming from the sink. I don't know how Lucifer's crap could have gotten from the upstairs toilet to the downstairs sink, but let me tell you, within 7 seconds of that noise, i smelled something so foul, i started gagging and i had to leave the room to get some air. When i got a breath, i went back in to investigate, but couldn't stand the stink more than a couple seconds, even while breathing through my shirt. Now let me tell you, this smell smelled something like a mix between... well, crap for one, plus wet dog, burning rubber, and natural gas.
Naturally, i ran away from the smell and found myself upstairs, and since if i just said there was a stinky stink downstairs, everyone wouldn't think it was that bad since it always stinks wherever i go, so i grabbed Kevin and took him downstairs with me. He took one whiff and was running. He said i farted, but i tell you dear readers, such a smell could not be produced be human ass.
Well, i think you get the picture. I never found out what it was, and i moved all my stuff upstairs and kept working, but i may never be able to enter the basement again.

Dec 7, 2004

As Illegal Pete was in the Big City, it was clear he was a Chipotle off the ol' block.

After my previous post (which everyone should read since i spent a buttload of my paid time at work working on it) i felt that i should take a step back and do something fun like a top 5 list. If you know anything about burritos, then you'll know from the title that this post is about burritos. With so many burrito places around competing for the collective love of the great city of FORT COLLINS!!!, it's hard to know what to believe, and where you should go to get your burrito fix, so let me give you my top five burrito eateries.

5. Qdoba - Well, Qdoba is lucky there's little more than 5 burrito places in town, otherwise i'd kick it's ass clear off the list. Their ingredients are cold, luke-warm at best, their ingredients are dry and their architecture is bland and uninspired.

4. Illegal Pete's - We don't have an Illegal Pete's in FoCo, but i've been to both of the ones in Boulder and i was unimpressed for all the street cred that it had. I don't know what it was, but Pete's burritos just didn't fit. I couldn't pinpoint any huge problem, except for the fact that everything just didn't come together as one to make a good burrito. In addition, the staff was unaccommodating, and they had unclearly labeled their water, leaving me with a cup of carbonated water. Well, screw that shit. One good thing is that they have a large variety of options, so maybe i just haven't gotten the thing that fits me best.

3. Chipotle - I didn't like Chipotle the first few times i went in there, as i tend to find cilantro in rice to ruin a burrito, but after a ew times, i either got enough stuff in the burrito to where i couldn't taste the cilantro, or i had them mix it up so it was less distinguishable. I like Chipotle because they have a good soft shell taco option in addition to their burritos, and they give college kids a free drink everytime. The atmosphere is also very friendly, and fun. And the statue at the entrance is pretty freakin awesome.

2. La Luz - I first tried La Luz from a recommendation from a friend, while i was in the middle of my obsessive stage with my number one burrito place in town, but went in with an open mind. First off, their menu is extensive, and offer many good combinations for a reasonably low price. They also have sopapillas, or however the hell you spell that, which are always good, and have good breakfast burritos for dirt cheap. The restaurant is locally owned and supports a lot of local artists by even putting up some of their art for sale within the restaurant, and the kooky wall tiles that line some of the walls offer little bits of pointless zen knowledge for the day.

1. Big City - Last year, a riot almost broke out when a writer for our high school newspaper gave Big City a bad review. It was terrible. Big City is a very beloved landmark in this city, and when that kid dissed it, kids were threatening to kick his ass if he didn't take back his remarks. He didn't, and he didn't get his ass kicked, and everything soon blew over. I love Big City though. One of the kids main complaints was that it wasn't a real mexican burrito, but that's exactly what i love about it. It offers options that make your burrito completely your own, and often times it isn't the same old stuff with rice and beans and hot sauce. My favorite burrito there is potato with chicken bay leaf in a jalapeno cheddar tortilla with cheese, ranch and sour cream. It's heaven, but largely breaks the standards that were set down for burritos by the mexican grandparents around the world. Also, the kid's article complained about how messy and greasy everything looked in the kitchen, since it is easily in view from where you order. That may be, but they pass the health code inspections, and aren't afraid to show their true self, where as most restaurants hide their kitchen from the customers. The staff at Big City is also helpful, and will make jokes, and try to get to know you, especially if you're a regular there. They also have an excellent breakfast burrito, but most of all, all of their ingredients are made to perfect, exacting standards everytime, leading to the fact that I HAVE NEVER HAD A BAD BURRITO THERE. It's as simple as that.

So there it is, and don't just go by what i say. Get out there and try them, and form your own opinion.


A road cone, a german sandwich, and 1000 connected headphones

As i thought might happen, i got a comment about how i should tell the rest of the story about what happened in germany, or austria as it was, to further prove me point about how life can just be such a coincidence. I'll try to do it in more of a story than just telling you to make it more readble. Here it is:

Ever since we had arrived in Austria, we were being quite the little hellians, being the junior highers that we were. (For all you people out there that are confused by the words "junior high", this would be the equivalent of middle school, but the fort collins system splits the freshmen off from the rest of the high school and label them as junior highers to give them one more breath of authority before getting reamed the next year in high school.) By the end, we had flodded a bathroom, broke a light switch, left marks all over the walls from hacking in a hall that was not meant to be hacked in, and... burned a few clothes hangers. But my story starts off with one day when Mitch, Wes, and I were in our room, and were looking to extend our artmaking with some wall art. We searched the room for something that would be easily adhesive to a wall, when i came across a handful of sandwiches that my host family had packed for me. I showed the guys, and at first we were all skeptical, but soon our doubts were overcome, when we noticed the extreme adhesiveness of german butter, of which they had put on a good amount. On my meat sandwich. I in no way wanted to eat the sandwiches, so i sacrificed them for the purpose of art.
Now, we wanted to finda place that would be out of the way if someone like our teacher came into the room, so we set up our canvas as the wall outside, underneath our window. We decoratively arranged the bread, cheese, meat, and some banana peels that we had into a beautiful collage of bad food, and left it for the day as we were going to take a train ride to the salt mines for the day.

We went to the salt mines and came back. They were interesting, but not interesting enough to distract me from this story. So as we were walking back from the train station, i ran across a road cone that was laying rather unpurposefully on the sidewalk, and at first, i walked past it, but then, looked back, and for whatever reason, snatched it up off the sidewalk, and took it home with me. I put in in our room, and then we were off again to go into town. We looked around in the stores and some of the crappy street venders, and (sometime suring this trip, it might not've been on this exact day) i think we each ended up buying a setof headphones, even though we each already had some, but i guess these just looked more interesting. As the day was winding down, we were looking for everyone sowe could head back to the hostel, when one of our friends came gallumphing up to us and said that ms. bieker (our teacher) had found out a bunch of the bad shit that we had done, and was steaming. Not five minutes later, we saw her coming down the street with a rather unwomanly face on, and she dragged us all back to the hostel, but not before she hadus stop at a gas sation to gather any supplies we might need for the rest of the night.

In the gas station, i didn't gather much. A coke, some candy maybe, and some bread and nutella, which we figured could be our dinner for the night. We paid and headed back to the hostel where we weren't allowed to leave for the rest of the night, and we had to write a letter to the managers saying that we were sorry, but that too is another story. So bieker gave us a royal bitching and led us into our room to point out where our art had fallen from the outside wall to the balcony below, much out of our reach if we could not get into the room directly below us, which we couldn't, but she failed to notice, i think, the pieces of sandwich still stuck to the wall, which i think would've made her more upset. So the deal was, we had to clean up the mess before that night, no matter how we had to do it...


So that night, we tried many ways to get the food off the balcony below, we tried getting into the room below us, we thought about climbing down from our room, we thought about climbing up from the ground, but neither were really possible as the balcony sat about 15-20 feet from our window and the ground. So we devised a plan, much like when the grinch stole christmas. We took that road cone that i had found, and we took those headphones that we didn't need, and we took that nutella that we had bought for dinner, and we put them all together. We tied the headphones together, which ended up being 5 or 6 pairs, and tied them to the top of the road cone. Now, before i go on, i must clarify. This road cone was not like most american road cones you'd think of, but was shorter with just a thin piece of plastic basically, but the main difference was it had a flat bottom, instead of a big hole, otherwise we'd be screwed. We would've had to use a shoe or something. So we had our long arm of cords, and then we took the cone and smothered the bottom with a coating of nutella, as the stickiness of nutella surpasses even that of german butter. Then, with extreme precision, as if we had done this a thousand times, we lowered the contraption from the window, and when we about 3 feet above the foot we intened to grab, we let go of the slack in the cord, and the cone would drop perfectly on top of the food, allowing us to pull it up for disposal.

We repeated this several times, never missing once, until all the food was gone off the balcony. We took some water and washed off the nutella marks from the wood, gave each other some high fives, and walked away from the scene happier and better men. We still had nowhere to go since we were locked in our rooms, but that night, we had the time of our lives, talking, eating candy, and writing less than apologetic apology letters to the owners of the hostel.

So there you have it you guys. I hope you like it, and i tell you, every bit happened. Thus i give you, the power of coincidence.

Signing off,

Dec 4, 2004

Over the line

Hey you guys. It's been a good long while since i've updated, so i thought i might drop a bit here, even though not a whole hell of a lot has happened. Tonight was a good night though. First, i went sledding with sara and suzanne and some of her friends at epic. It was a lot of fun. Sara's friend mike had some sleds, so we used those mostly, but we also used old broken chunks of other ones that people had left behind. It all worked equally well for the most part. I also had the idea of riding down on an upside down metal picnic table, but it seemed too much work to get it up the hill every time, and it'd probably flip some how and crush us all, so it's just as well, and we still had fun without it.
Then, almost the second i got back, Edward, Matt, Craig, Lindsey, Kim, and .. shit... Angelina i think, went bowling. Damn, that's a lot of fun. We went to what was formerly called monte carlo, but is now owned by chippers lanes, like every other bowling alley in the world it seems now, but it's for the better since it was much cleaner. Now this is where the story gets weird. You know how you have those times in your life when you're like "Huh, if i hadn't done this totally random thing earlier, i wouldn't be in this postion i'm in right now". You probably have, but somehow, those random things work out for the better for me. So tonight, there was this crazy pac-man game that had absolutely nothing to do with pac-man, kind of like a crane game/25 cent egg vending machine game, and so i tried it out. The first few times i was unsuccessful, but i knew i had to keep at it, just for pride, even though the prizes were shitty. In the end, i won, and guess what? I got a wristband. Basass. It actually went with my clothes quite well. So then we started bowling, and the balls sucked the balls balls. There was barely upward of 1 different size of finger holes (i estimated 2), and they fit my fingers, but not my thumb, so i figured i'd have to try to learn how to put spin on it, so i could keep my thumb free. Well, it took a while, but i eventually got it down pretty well, and even got a strike... and got screwed out of one too. But the moral of the story is (or as close as i'll get) was that my wristband actually helped me out a lot when i rolled, because i could rest the ball nicely on it.
A similar such story occured in germany (in the sense that random crap all worked out for the best) but that is too long to explain for now. If you want to hear, leave me a comment about it and maybe i'll write it out. And if you don't give a shit, then i'm sorry.
I hope all is going well for everyone, getting ready for finals (or just going about their normal lives for my older readers out there) and be safe partying once they're over.