Feb 21, 2005


I've finally done it. I've conquered the beast that has been at me for a couple months now. I finally finished Scar Tissue, Anthony Kiedis's book about his exploits with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. It took me a while because i got halfway through, and then break hit, and i set it down, but unlike 90% of the other books that i try to read, i picked this one back up and made it all the way through. It was a good experience and i came out a changed man. Here is what i learned:
1. Even if you say you'll try drugs once, it won't just be once. Like Pringles.
2. Jack Nicholson smokes pot. Crazy, man.
3. There seems to be three levels in life: The rich, the working class and the street class. This is where the "small world" effect comes from. We tend to know everyone in our own class, but not the others. Unless we need drugs, then we're willing to go outside our comfort zone. (This was not in the book, but just something i realized in my own life and while reading about the celebrity chains in the book.)
4. All great musicians seem to draw inspiration from The Police. You know, the band.
I guess that's all i really remember, which makes for a pretty weak list, but hopefully it will make you want to read the book for yourself to learn more.
Music leads me into my next point, which is writing, and i have to complain that as of late, i've been completely unable to write anything of importance. Other than this blog, i hope. But t've talked to my therapist and after putting me on meds, we talked about it and found out that i'm just uninspired. I don't really have any explanation for it, except for my old teacher in high school Mr. Roberts used to give us all kinds of crazy shit to write about, and that always got my mind working, but since then, i really haven't had my mind working in any kind of connected manner. Since writing has always been fun for me, and it lets me get out a lot of my emotions, this is a problem for me, but i'm waiting for the moment where i'll see something and the words will just start coming to me. Then i can sit down and write about it, and i'll be cured. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't, but we'll see. If you all can think of a great way to inspire me, such as sending me sexy photos or just punching me in the face so i can write about the blistering pain, i'm all for it. There you go.
Sorry this post is long, and i hope it doesn't distract you from the other post i wrote tonight, which is even longer. Check it out, why not? Good night for the reals.


Anonymous said...

you have a therapist?!?

Anonymous said...

you read a book?!?

Anonymous said...

you own a book?!?

Anonymous said...

you can read?!?

Pablo said...

alright, enough. you caught me red handed and i have to clarify everything now. once and for all, i did not have sexual relations with that woman. nor can i read, especially book, own books, or see a therapist. i'm sorry for my comments and any effects they may have had on your daily lives. you can roshambo me if you feel it's necessary.