Mar 31, 2005
Mar 30, 2005
A Country In Need
Que Onda Guero
Today is tuesday, so of course there's a huge slew of new movies and music that are being released at your electronic store of choice. Today, my much anticipated cd: Beck's "Guero" came out so i thought i would go get myself a copy. The special edition of "Orgazmo" also came out, but i thought i would wait for now. I was driving along a very packed college street when i came up to a stoplight and sat waiting. I was stopped for about 5 whole seconds when my car jerked. It felt like i had stalled it, but that would just be silly. I looked around for an explanation and found it when i looked in my rear view mirror. There was a lady behind me who looked to be about 90 and she was sitting in her nice new caddy, totally oblivious that she had just rear-ended me. It wasn't huge, so i didn't really care, i just couldn't believe that she hadn't stopped, and hadn't noticed that she had hit me. Edward was with me, so he suggested we write down the plate number just in case. When the light turned green, I went forward so i could see her plate, but i almost lost her, as i was clear through the intersection (moving at a very moderate speed) before she had even left her spot. We got the plate number anyways, and nothing will probably come of it, but it doesn't really matter. We got out at best buy and she had basically just dusted off my bumper, but damn.
Beck's cd is pretty kickass by the way. I've only listened to 6 out of the 20 songs so far, but he's got some pretty funky beats to throw down. If you're a fan of his previous work, then you'd probably be pretty pleased. I also got the special edition which has a number of remixes and includes a dvd with videos for all of the songs that are on the cd, if i understood the labels correctly.
Also, we now have access into John's old room. It happened yesterday when i was sitting on the toilet, and i heard voices in his room. I finished up my work and checked to see who was in there. They unlocked the door and said that they were wondering what the rooms were like since they were thinking of moving in somewhere in summit. Maybe next year, i think. I probably didn't leave the best impression on them if they were to be my suitemates since i had just duked, and had left a mist of spray in the room, but it doesn't matter, cause when they left, they didn't lock the door again. And that is the story of how we got access to John's room. I don't know how much we'll use it, or what it will be used for, but it might be a good study room for me during the 20 hours that Brian is sleeping during the day. Or, you know, we could just party in there.
Mar 29, 2005
Mar 28, 2005
Part 2 Chucky
Then when we were done, i came back here and played video games for a while, since i was planning on staying up all night so i wouldn't have to be sleepy that the easter sunrise service. I did it, and the sunrise service was awesome. i don't know if any of you were up to see it, but it was spectacular, especially with a cool fog on the lake that we were by. I went home after that and finally got some sleep. I woke up and took edward to gart's so he could by his snowboard. The guy working there was a total douche. He told us everything by personal preference and everything else he just said "sucks".
I went back home and we went to denver for the day to celebrate easter. We did the easter egg hunt and everything for my cousins, and i got to hide the eggs, which was enjoyable. It was good to see my family, but they asked too many questions about school. No one likes that. I came back to the dorms where there was more shit about my speech. We actually sat down and talked about it tonight, instead of just saying stupid shit behind each other's backs. Because it's such a big issue now, i might continue to post on that site with updates, so keep checking.
Other than that, i hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday and weekend. Later.
Mar 27, 2005
Chucky da Cheese
We heard a helluva sound outside the room so we came out and checked and lindsey was being a freakin crazy girl knocking on doors. We told her to shut up, and alicia came out and also told her to shut up. Then she left. Today we found out that licdsey's getting written up for the incident. Guess that'll happen.
I'll write about today in a sec. Gonna play some hockey with BriGuy.
Mar 25, 2005
Double score!
Then, the real treat was when we came back. We were all famished and our favorite late-night eatery was closed, so we went to the snack machines. I got two sobes. The first one got stuck so we gave the machine the shaking of a lifetime, and freed my sobe, and an orange juice from the top shelf. I then got my other sobe, and gave the machine another shaking. Grape juice! So it wasn't free sobes, but hey, can't complain.
I know you're with me on this one.
Other than that i've been a little bogged down with work. I had a paper, a speech and a test to work on last night, but i came through it all ok, i think. i almost got the paper done, but i just had to have a draft, the speech went well, and the test was tough to study for in the first place, so i glanced over stuff, and i think i did ok. It was in buddhism and it was just an essay type thing. We'll see how i did later.
It snowed again today. Not a lot, but enough for it to sting your face for a while, but it's always fun to watch it snow. It just needs enough for snowballs.
That's really all today. We're almost through the first week back. Woohoo.
Mar 22, 2005
Oh no you don't
Mar 18, 2005
My Rant
Then movies like garden state come in. All movies like this are based on the one event that changes the direction of a person's life forever. I wonder how many people, like myself, sit and wait for such an event, and how many people never find it. The only solace i get from the whole idea is that there's this guy who's in his mid twenties and other than one or two films that he made, he really hasn't done much with his life, yet he gets through. It is just a movie.
The thing that i find most hilarious is that all throughout elementary school i got straight a's (which isn't too hard i guess) but i was also either president or vice president of the school in 6th grade. Crazy, i know. I really can't picture myself continuing on that path my whole life though. Picture me at a nice university, doing the same shit i'm doing now, because deep inside that never was what i wanted to be.
So what to do. Next year, when i'm guessing i'll be kicked out of csu, i'm looking to go to a community college and perhaps getting some edumacation there, but only time will tell. So then what. I guess this is what the rest of the working class population does. The trashmen, the grocery workers, the punk rockers. I shouldn't be so bummed because 1. I have the power to change it, but still choose not to and 2. I never really wanted to be anything more in the first place. I guess we'll just have to see, cause i have no fuckin clue where my life is headed.
Mar 13, 2005
Organization Junction, what's your function?
Mar 10, 2005
10 minutes later
Going down to Trinidad
Mar 9, 2005
OH YEAH! A Threefer.
Tonight i had a test for astronomy. Here's the straight poop on it:
5 questions long
200 points
1/5 of our final grade
We had 3 hours to finish it
I finished it:
In 30 minutes
2nd out of about 600 people
I hope my grades will speak for themselves.
Mitch told me about a really cool beach place where we could go swimming, so i met him and his family there, and it turns out that it was on the grounds of a prison. When i went in, there was all kinds of cool crap to do, like a carnival, and they were all run by convicts, but they were all really nice. We sat down at a restaurant and had some food, and then we saw the beach. It was just a hill, but there was huge tidal waves that went down the hill, then the water line would go back, and you'd run back up and ride the waves back down to the bottom of the hill, where they would magically disapparate. We did this all day, and it was a load of fun, and i even saved a kid when he got crushed against a rock. Then, the sun started going down, so we went to leave, but when we were checking out, i realized that i hadn't checked in at all, and so they were going to think i was a prisoner. I told Mitch, and he grabbed a sign in form that was laying around and started filling it out for me. I was so happy that we had gotten it that i didn't bother to look it over. We gave it to the guard checking us out and she asked if my name was (something crazy or mexican) and i'm like "um.... yeah, that's me" and then she's like "and you're from rodmouth, tennessee?" "of course" She gave me a skeptical look and asked "so, if you're from rodmouth, then you can tell me..." Then my alarm went off, and i woke up in my bed, out of prison. I was happy. It wasn't till i was awake for about 10 minutes that i realized how funny "rodmouth" sounded, so i laughed and laughed, and went to class.
I love lamp
Mar 6, 2005
Fear and Loathing in B-town
Mar 4, 2005
Astrology can blow me
I don't know how many of you read your horoscopes, but the past few days i've gotten 2 star days, which i consider to be shitty, and the day seemed to fit with everything it had to say. I don't know what i got today. I'm afraid to look. The best part of the day was when i kicked ass on my speech, but the rest was slow rollin. I watched 2 holocaust movies tonight, which i know can't help. It just gets me thinking more and more about how fucked up things can get. I think that is the ultimate example of all time. Alright, there it was, not much, and just a bunch of shit on a page. Have a good night everyone.