Apr 1, 2005

Stay the hell away from me, Chris!

For many years, Mitch and I have had the sneaking suspicion that someone has been watching us. This has come up many times, and we've even found a few suspects, but it was never confirmed. I think this comic does just that. When Edward, Brian and I were down in Mitch's dorm room, Edward called his credit card company and in the background Brian was saying "Sir, there isn't any chance that you are of latino descent, is there?" Then, today, this comic comes out, which practically mirrors our situation.

Other ideas that have been stolen from us in the past:
Pocket Socks
The Keg Can (or Kag/Cag/Kan)
The idea that a man is sent to prison and then he writes a children's book and gains sympathy from the entire nation (this was made into a tv movie with jamie foxx).

Those are just the ones that i can think of for now, but there's plenty more. Mitch, you can back me up here.

Remember to read my other post from today... it's important.

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