Aug 7, 2006

Euro Flash

I was really planning on putting up some more pictures of my trip to Switzerland on my website, which I may never get up, but my brother finally got some of his own up on his site. Plus, his pictures capture the World Cup craziness a hell of a lot better than any of mine did. Go ahead and check them out through the link on the right side of the page. Also, he has some pretty amazing pics from our trip to Mexico City and his trek to Argentina. Damn he travels a lot, and he's getting ready to go to Philly and then he's gonna teach English in Costa Rica this fall. (Note: Costa Rica isn't an island, like I had thought up until about 25 minutes ago.)


Sitzman said...

Thanks for the shout-out.
Now, if I might take a moment to tell your readers about my exciting lines of Avon and Tupperware products...

Pablo said...

oh no.... my brother is actually much funnier. but i have a lot more hair. SUCKA!!