Apr 6, 2005

Barbie Dream Wonderland Wedding Party Planner Funcenter W/ Keg

Ok, there's been talk of how much a wedding could cost. I'll probably leave a lot of shit out, but let me see if i can get it close. Also, i don't know how much it costs for a marraige certificate, so we'll discard that.

Invitations - $2.00 (print on regular paper, like you would a 3rd grade party invite)

Reservations - Free -- Go up to the mountains and find a gazeebo. You may have to rent the place, but that would be stupid and you could find somewhere else.

Tux - $50 max -- If you don't already have a black suit jacket, you can rent one. Don't worry about pants. You might look goofy, but a nice pair of shorts can compliment the formal attire quite well. Plus, when you look back at the wedding pictures, you can cut them all off at the waist.

Dress - $100-$200 -- I don't really care what they wear. It can be their old prom dress or something as long as they feel comfortable in it.

Decoration - $10 -- Get a few spools of something, or some little confetti to put on the tables or whatever. A lot of people over decorate and the decorations get in the way anyways. Also, an outdoor setting creates it's own decorations.

Entertainment - Free -- In the world of itunes and all that shit, you shouldn't need a dj, you should just be able to set up playlists yourself and maybe have a friend run it if you need to. If you don 't have a good sound system, it might be a problem, but you can probably borrow one from a friend or your church or something.

Food/Booze - $250 -- This is the main thing that you need to keep people happy. I'd say you should have alcohol since it's celebratory. Two kegs should be enough depending on how many people you invite, but if you have it in the mountains, people will get drunk faster, thus consuming less beer. Also, with designated drivers, that's one less person per party that'll be drinking. One keg could even do it. If you don't want alcohol, sparkling cider works well. It can be bought in many shapes and sizes and shouldn't run you any more than alcohol would. Then, to eat, that's a toss up. Depending on the time of day and such, this can vary. Whatever you choose, it shouldn't be terribly expensive, as most people usually expect there to be "a little something something" to eat, but not a whole meal. Also, if the wedding is short, people will get less hungry as their sitting there thinking about how hungry they are.

Priest - I dunno. See if they'll do it for free. It would be mean of them not to, as long as you've become friends with them over the years. If not, we'll say... $80 plus food/drinks.

I can't think of a whole bunch more that a wedding would need. A ring would be nice, but that's not in the cost of a wedding. That comes before. So let me see if i can do the math here.

By my calculations, at the least it would cost $412 and at the most would be a shade under $600. I'm sure no chicks would go for this kind of wedding, but I would be fine with it. And, it comes in under my previous predictions, which were said to be impossible to achieve. If you have more stuff that should be added, drop a line.


Anonymous said...

ok, a cake, i thought of that, and then forgot... i think that huge 3 layer cakes are bullshit. Don't buy one at wal-mart, but you can still find an awesome cheap one at any other bakeries in town. flowers... fuck that, that's why you have nature, like i said. what about the bridesmaids/groomsmen...? Are you suggesting we pay them? Pictures, if you use a digital camera, then they are free. And how many people would be attending? little more than close family and friends. I think $250 would be good.


Anonymous said...

in addition, say i did spend upward of $400 on food. I'd still be under $1000 like i said.


Anonymous said...
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Pablo said...

sara, you're deleted. And this is why we'll never get married, bye.

Pablo said...

sorry sara, i can't find out how to bring your comment back. i think i should be able to, so if anyone knows how to get it back, tell me.