Dec 18, 2006

Growing Pains

Phew! I'm exhausted! Let's see... when was the last time I posted? Since I posted last, I've been really busy. Actually, that's a damn dirty lie, but I've been incapacitated, I'll say. I don't know what caused it exactly, but for over a week, I've been really sick. Like a stomache virus or something along those lines, which isn't surprising, since our place was a total shithole. I just thought it was funny how the morning that I woke up sick was right after the night when I took the dare to eat a cotton ball for $4. Hopefully it's just a coincidence, cause that was a lot of pain to go through for $4.

The worst part about it, thought was that a couple days into my sickness, my girlfriend of 2 days and her friend decided that they wanted to come back and visit us again before they went off to England. I wasn't going to say no, just because I felt bad, so they made their way down here from Brisbane, and I picked them up at the bus stop feeling like hell. It was probably about an 80 degree, overcast day out and here I was greeting them with jeans and a long sleeve shirt, sunglasses, tousled hair and a cup of coffee. I'm surprised they didn't get back on the bus when they saw me. But either way, I got them back with me, and we all spent the rest of the day napping.

The next day, I still felt terrible, maybe even worse, but I walked the girls down to the beach. It was nice, though, and I decided to get over myself for a while, and have fun, and once I got into the water, I started to feel better. I even jumped into a couple waves, until one crashed into my stomache and put me out of commission for a while. We walked around town, and I was having so much fun that I almost forgot that I had class. With only 20 minutes before class was ready to start, I had to hop in a cab back to school, where I strolled into class, beach towel in hand, hair stuck straight up and a box of seafood in hand (and no, seafood ended up being a terrible thing to eat with a bad stomache).

The next few days, we sat around, taking it easy, as I had class still and some deadlines for my projects were coming up. As the week started to wind down, and I started to get thing done, I started feeling better and better, so when Friday night rolled around, I felt good enough to come to campus and help all the Mexican cook some mexican food for us all. We made everything from scratch, even the tortillas, which was the funnest part since we rolled them out using cricket "stumps" or the sticks that you try to hit when you play the game. They worked just fine, though. Then we had some good guacamole and salsa, beef, chicken, everything to make a stellar meal. My stomache was feeling great, so I ate mostly what I wanted, and had a few beers to wash everything down.

Then we started into a game of foosball, where if you get scored on, you have to drink this beer that has chili powder IN it, just just around the rim like I'd had before. It was really spicy and was a really dark, cloudy brown, so I called it Mexican Tap Water. I started out just watching, but when people started dropping out because they were starting to sweat from the drink, they made me step in. Right off, I started scoring a lot of goals for my team and making them look like fools, but when they started dropping out, then a bunch of jackasses came in that kept spinning the players as hard as they could. I wanted to kick them all in the nuts, especially since they almost tipped the table over a couple times they were spinning so hard. So we started giving up a couple cheap goals, and I had to drink some of this drink from hell.

Even as I was going back home that night, I still felt good. I woke up in the middle of the night, and I was done for. I stayed in the bathroom for about an hour straight, and seriously, 5 minutes before I was ready to go to the hospital, I started feeling better, but I still slept on the floor, just in case. The next morning, I went to the doctor, and told me I just had a stomache virus. The entire time I was sitting in his office, I wasn't even thinking about what he was saying because my mind was just stuck on the bathroom. I was almost sweating, I was clenching my muscles so hard. I snap back to reality when he says "But you don't look like a guy that's in too much pain, you know?" He looks at me, and I laugh and smile. "Yeah."

I go back home and let my stomache settle. I snuggle up next to Livi and don't move from the couch for the rest of the day. Rain pours down outside, and everyone is stuck. People start congregating at our house to play video games. We play Mario Kart all day, and for dinner, Melisa made a nice meal. I couldn't eat it. Luckily Livi helped nurse me back to health, but the next morning, she had to leave already, and I was sad that I was finally getting better now that she was leaving, and I hadn't been able to show her a good time like I had wanted to. But she was understanding. So now my girlfriend of 6 1/2 days is gone again, probably never to return, and my life has started to slow back down. My assignments are all turned in and the house is quiet. I'm finally getting my health back, since I hadn't eaten a full meal in over a week. Things are back to normal, but what's ever challenging about that?


Pablo said...

Yeah. Had. She's gone now. For good this time. I suppose I should tell the whole story, but I won't.

Anonymous said...

yo doof - let me get that whole story.