Jan 24, 2005

Oh, GOD, now I get it.

Hey everyone, i know it's been a while, but now your 4th favorite blogger is back. I'll keep it simple. I'm back at school, and things are going better this semester. I have a better schedule, including better classes and i get to sleep hella late. Included is a buddhism class, which is totally cool. I suggest you guys learn more about it if you have the chance, or any religions for that matter, as they can open your eyes to new things. One of the biggest things i thought about today was at sunday school, and the teacher asked the question of what we would ask God if we saw him in heaven, and people were saying stuff like "Why is there suffering?" I just thought, "If we're in heaven, and we no longer have any doubt that there is a heaven or a god, why does anything matter anymore that happened on earth?" I'd say something like "Where do i go now?" and i'd just want to get started on the afterlife, instead of looking back at how crappy my earth life might've been. That might just be me. Well, that's all I really have for now, just a thought for the day. I hope everyone is doing well, and i'll catch y'all later.

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