Nov 27, 2004

What else? Thanksgiving!

So Thanksgiving has come and passed and although nothing of any importance at all happened for me, it was good. Relaxing, got some food in my tummy. That's what it's all about though. Since we're supposed to be thankful for something, i have to say that i'm most thankful for my friends. School sucks and i don't see my family much when i'm at school, so it's always my friends that keep my life from going too far down the shitter. So thanks. And also, i had a question, mostly rhetorical, but how many native americans do you think celebrate Thanksgiving? If i were them, i'd be pissed.

Nov 18, 2004

I don't try because I don't care.

Sorry about the lack of posts recently. I've been stressed out, being in the middle of a fight with the damn school about registering for classes. And the battle still rages on.
In other news, I've been feeling good recently. The other night we had a small, yet bitchin' dance party in a room downstairs. Myself and 3 girls. It was awesome because we all kinda sucked at dancing, and there was little more than a clock radio CD player to belt out tunes, but it was fun looking like an idiot with all the other people. We left the door open so people kept walking by and all of them declined our invitations to join, but hey, fuck em. Their loss. And if they had, it might've gotten a little crowded in there anyways. And Natalie was there. I catch a vibe from her towards me, but i don't know what to take it for. Maybe it was the alcohol talking through her a few times, and maybe she's just friendlier, and maybe i just need to get laid, but whatever, it gives me someone to shoot for.
Other than the dance party and bout with the advisors, it's been kinda tame, but those have been taking up my time. I'll give you a full report when i'm done with all that shit too. Also, I'm a full page into my book, but it's been stuck there for a while. I'll get back to it.
Have a good one everyone.

Nov 13, 2004

If you're gonna spew, spew into this.

You wanna see some messed up stuff? My co-worker showed it to me at work today. If you have a weak stomach, don't go to it. It has terrible pictures of death, and has downloadable videos of the iraq beheadings. However, if you find life crazy, and death somehow beautiful and intruiging, check it out. Remember though, you've been warned.

Nov 12, 2004

Stay the hell out of Nigeria.

At work, we've recently had some tough times online with credit card frauders from Nigeria. I mean, what the shit? We thought this was just an isolated incident when we recieved an order on our online store for ten of the same t-shirts, to ship to south carolina or something, but then we called the guy again and he said he wanted them shipped to Nigeria, where his international store is. We were a bit skeptical, but we didn't want to deny someone their purchase, so we sent it on it's way. Later, we got a call from a lady saying that she got a charge on her card, and she'd never even heard of our company or anything. We later tracked it back to the order that we'd just sent, and tried cancelling it, but it was too late, and it was out of our control then, or something like that. Then we went online and saw all these other people that had problems with orders from Nigeria, and supposedly, millions of dollars of... well, crap have been stolen from the US by Nigeria. Then just yesterday, we got an order for 100 watches to be sent to georgia, i think. Well, we don't even have 100 watches, but where as the t-shirts only cost us about $100, this one would've cost us $3500, so we didn't ship it and called the credit card company, reporting fraud. I feel like i'm on CSI or some shit. The cop that busted so much ass out on the street, that they had to have me solve crimes from my office. I'll be back out there soon though, so watch out Nigerians.
In other news, i think i've finally thought of some ideas for my book, so i'll try to begin writing it shortly. It will probably be more of a collection of small stories, but if there's anything good in there, i'll try to post it or give you guys access.
That's all i got for now. Have a good night.

Nov 8, 2004

No Lexus. Infiniti only.

In the movie Three Kings, George Clooney says that the most important thing in life is necessity. Doing whatever is most important to a person at that time. I think that's my problem. Nothing is necessary in my life right now. My life is on cruise control and nothing is special or crappy about it. It's not to have fun, really. That's nice, but there's so many things that i do that bore myself. It's not to find a girlfriend or anything like that. I AM. Shit.

Nov 6, 2004

Send George Bush a Pretzel

I was telling myself i wasn't going to write a post about bush, but dammit, i gotta give in. There's so much shit surrounding his term in office, i feel that if nothing else, he should've been voted out of office because he causes unrest in the country. But there are a lot of other reasons why he shouldn't be president. The thing that probably pisses me off the most is the war. It's fine when countries fight each other because there's going to be differences, but the tactics that bush has put into place are unique in their stupidity. He has authorized the use of daisy cutters (the largest non-nuclear bomb) on iraqi cities, and has caused over 10000 civilian casualties, many times the number of american citizens killed on 9/11. But no iraqis were involved in 9/11. Maybe there was a correlation between saddam and osama, but why, then do we declare war on an entire country to go after one man? You may also say that we're fighting terrorists in iraq, but the base of al quida is in afghanistan in case you've forgotten. Speaking of which, once we moved into iraq, afghanistan was basically abandoned by our troops and help, leaving the country a complete shitty mess.
Then, back in iraq, we've caught saddam, which i agree, is great news, but were such large measures needed when a small group of special task force people could've found him just as easily with about 100 times less of a problem. Everyone says that the iraqis want us there. They wanted saddam out of power, but why are we imposing our system onto them? I'd be pissed and fighting back too. Then there's our people that are getting hurt in all of this. Yes, they're volunteers, and they chose to do this, but why are so many people still being sent into a territory that according to geroge bush himself has been controlled, and where fighting has seized? Also, besides the over 1000 deaths, there's close to 20000 injuries from the war. And bush has declined meetings with the families of these people and has told the media to steer away from posting such figures. You may say that people don't want to hear the truth and it would just scare people, but that's what we needed, and now, because since so many people didn't know, bush has been reelected and the same shit will continue on.
That's just the war. And a small part of it at that. I could get into the environment, the deficit, unemployment, religion, abortion and tons more crap, but one alone should be sufficient for now. Of course i won't sway anyone with just this post, but if you want to hear more, drop me a comment. Have a good night everyone.

Nov 5, 2004

Nolledge For Dummies

As you know, if you know me or if you've been reading my post, i'm in college. There's many problems i wasn't expecting from college that arose and made my life a bit more difficult, but the biggest thing is the question that everyone asks themselves at this time in their lives: What will i do with my life? To tell you the truth, i have no idea. I'd live in a shit kicker house in a shit kicker town as long as i can pay for my food and have fun with friends along the way. It's not the most glamourous life, but glamour destroys people a lot of times. I also wouldn't mind living the high life either. Yes, very contradictory, but it's true. Everyone likes money and luxury, and me being the lazy ass that i am, could find a nice place to waste a day away in any kind of setting.
Luxury and liesure leads me to the social structure though, and where i lie. If you look at most of the successful people, it seems like they either started out really rich and inherited everything, or they were really poor or abused or something like that and this gave them motivation to better themselves and make their family proud and such. Then if you look at the working class, it seems as though their parents were also from the working class for the most part, and the jobs just recycle down through the generations. Then there's also the poor people that stay poor, which i guess i could also become. But as i look at it, it seems like there's a crisscross of wealth and public exposure that passes over the middle class. So from these assumtions, i, as an unmotivated middle class individual, would be looking at either a normal white collar job, or moving down to the lower class of society, without any real chance of moving up in the world. Unless i do something great.
It seems like it's not as much the education that gets the upper class status, but the ideas. Much like what's stated in Office Space when the guy invents the jump to conclusions mat. It's not the best idea, but that's really what you need to do. If you can find something that just comes to you, and something that everyone else might enjoy, you can start a company or a career from that. Then there's the writers, artists, musicians, directors. Although you can study all these things, it seems like they're just that much better when these things come naturally.
So what i'm getting at is that recently i haven't been going to class as much, and i've just been looking around trying to work on these simple things. It's not the best idea, i know, but i feel that doing one of these things would make me happier in my work, and might get me out of the normal white collar status quo that i may be doomed to follow. I'm not suggesting this to everyone, but all my family members and some of my friends have become skeptical of my learning habits, so i was just trying to lay down some basic ideas that i'm trying to follow through with. Thanks for sticking with me through that long ass post. Good night.

Loving's just better in California

I finally got the book "Scar Tissue" by Anthony Kiedis, and for the past week it's been the only thing that's kept me awake in classes. It's extremely well written for a musician, even though he had help from a real writer, and it gives a very detailed account of his entire life. The most interesting part of it to me is the drugs that he did. Pot, coke, heroin, LSD, just about anything. And it started at a very early age since his dad was a drug dealer, but the part that i liked most out of that was when he was first trying pot and he says this:
"I took a little drag and passed the joint back to him. It went around the table a few times, and soon we were all smiling and laughing and feeling really mellow. And then I realized I was high. I loved the sensation. It felt like medicine to soothe the soul and awaken the senses. There was nothing awkward or scary-- I didn't feel like I had lost control-- in fact, I felt like I was in control."
I think this portrays the positive effects of drugs very well, and is luckily the only part of drugs that i have experienced. I guess what i'm getting at is that people are too uptight on some things. Yeah heroin and drugs like that are incredibly dangerous, but something like marijuana (when used correctly) can have positive effects on a person, much like one might feel while smoking some tobacco products, yet one is socially and legally acceptable, and considered "cool" even, but the other is illegal and totally looked down upon. Hm... worked myself into a corner. I guess, if you see someone smoking a cigarette, tell them to try pot too.
Secondly, you may be wondering about the title of the blog. I'm trying to relate it to all the songs that come out that tell about how great love and sex is in california. Of course most bands come from california, so it makes sense that they'd have experience, but with california love, and californication, and other such songs, it really makes me want to experience this for myself. Especially being from Colorado, i'd be able to go for forever down at sea level. But if there was ever a song called Colorado Love, then everyone would try to come up here and have sex and get winded, and the song would be a terrible failure. Anyways, if i ever get around to writing music, i'll try to make a song for all us high altituders, just cause all my songs will probably be a failure anyways, so what does it matter?
I think that's enough for this post. Have a good one everyone.