Nov 18, 2004

I don't try because I don't care.

Sorry about the lack of posts recently. I've been stressed out, being in the middle of a fight with the damn school about registering for classes. And the battle still rages on.
In other news, I've been feeling good recently. The other night we had a small, yet bitchin' dance party in a room downstairs. Myself and 3 girls. It was awesome because we all kinda sucked at dancing, and there was little more than a clock radio CD player to belt out tunes, but it was fun looking like an idiot with all the other people. We left the door open so people kept walking by and all of them declined our invitations to join, but hey, fuck em. Their loss. And if they had, it might've gotten a little crowded in there anyways. And Natalie was there. I catch a vibe from her towards me, but i don't know what to take it for. Maybe it was the alcohol talking through her a few times, and maybe she's just friendlier, and maybe i just need to get laid, but whatever, it gives me someone to shoot for.
Other than the dance party and bout with the advisors, it's been kinda tame, but those have been taking up my time. I'll give you a full report when i'm done with all that shit too. Also, I'm a full page into my book, but it's been stuck there for a while. I'll get back to it.
Have a good one everyone.

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