Nov 6, 2004

Send George Bush a Pretzel

I was telling myself i wasn't going to write a post about bush, but dammit, i gotta give in. There's so much shit surrounding his term in office, i feel that if nothing else, he should've been voted out of office because he causes unrest in the country. But there are a lot of other reasons why he shouldn't be president. The thing that probably pisses me off the most is the war. It's fine when countries fight each other because there's going to be differences, but the tactics that bush has put into place are unique in their stupidity. He has authorized the use of daisy cutters (the largest non-nuclear bomb) on iraqi cities, and has caused over 10000 civilian casualties, many times the number of american citizens killed on 9/11. But no iraqis were involved in 9/11. Maybe there was a correlation between saddam and osama, but why, then do we declare war on an entire country to go after one man? You may also say that we're fighting terrorists in iraq, but the base of al quida is in afghanistan in case you've forgotten. Speaking of which, once we moved into iraq, afghanistan was basically abandoned by our troops and help, leaving the country a complete shitty mess.
Then, back in iraq, we've caught saddam, which i agree, is great news, but were such large measures needed when a small group of special task force people could've found him just as easily with about 100 times less of a problem. Everyone says that the iraqis want us there. They wanted saddam out of power, but why are we imposing our system onto them? I'd be pissed and fighting back too. Then there's our people that are getting hurt in all of this. Yes, they're volunteers, and they chose to do this, but why are so many people still being sent into a territory that according to geroge bush himself has been controlled, and where fighting has seized? Also, besides the over 1000 deaths, there's close to 20000 injuries from the war. And bush has declined meetings with the families of these people and has told the media to steer away from posting such figures. You may say that people don't want to hear the truth and it would just scare people, but that's what we needed, and now, because since so many people didn't know, bush has been reelected and the same shit will continue on.
That's just the war. And a small part of it at that. I could get into the environment, the deficit, unemployment, religion, abortion and tons more crap, but one alone should be sufficient for now. Of course i won't sway anyone with just this post, but if you want to hear more, drop me a comment. Have a good night everyone.

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