Dec 9, 2005

Dreaming! Dream on...

I love sleep, and I love dreams. They're amazing. A long time back, I remember I had this series of dreams from different nights, where my friends and I went cliff diving into a river. Once we tried one, we'd go to the next cliff and jump off that. It was a really good time, obviously, and we're lucky on one died. We'd hit the bottom of the river everytime we jumped in, but it never hurt, we'd just jump back out and do it again.

So last night, I had this dream, where in a large group, a bunch of us were running around in the wilderness playing capture the flag, when I look over and I see a river. Then I go, Hey! This look familiar. So I walk down the shore and look up and there's the same cliffs that we had jumped off in my dreams a long time ago. Everything was the exact same, and the geography was still how it should've been, even though I was looking at it from a different angle, and walking around where I hadn't been before. It was just pretty cool. It's almost like taking a vacation again. And no... it wasn't the cliffs what we jumped off of in Mexico.

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