Jun 7, 2006


Last night, as i was coming up from fort collins to the good ol' beebee house, my tank starts rinning on empty, and there's two places i can stop at without heading back to fort collins. The first one closes at 10 (it's 10:15 or so) and you can't use a credit card, and the second one is closed and doesn't even have the credit card slot. I'm in the middle of nowhere, so i have to stop for the night and sleep in my car.

I woke up when it opened and had a half hour to fill up and get to work. When i get up the red feather... get this... the cafe is on fire. This is the only place that you can hang out in the whole town that has a pool table or anything like that. I look and the roof is caved in, so i know it's gone. Turns out, later they tell me, that the first call to the fire department was placed at 6 o'clock of, of course, 6/6/06.

Then today at work, two of us almost rolled our mowers into sand traps and it took forever to get out. Just one of those days where everything, coincidentally, happens to go exactly as it seems it might.

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