Aug 2, 2006

Impeaches and cream

I was going to make this post "An open letter to Dubya" to tell him to go see An Inconvenient Truth, since it's probably the only movie that will ever showcase his largest contribution to the world, but after seeing this clip on the daily show, I was so utterly disgusted and offended, I had to show it to all of you, if you haven't seen it already.

Then people comment about it saying "Stupid media... you and your liberal bias. Why are you so disrespectful to our president? I'm a diehard patriot and I love my country and my president.... blah blah blah, blow me..."

The report isn't bias. It's stating what everyone in every country in the world believes to be common courtesy, and here, this bastard can't fucking show any of it. And that's why everyone is disrespectful to him... because he continually kicks every single person in the world in the sack. I'd get pretty tired of it, too, you douche. You're just lucky Blair has so much of that english charm and doesn't shove that fork down your throat. I'm actually appalled.

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