Oct 13, 2006


What to say? What to say? Nothing new really. My days have been filled with Lego Star Wars, frisbee golf and cleaning my room. I can't complain. Then, tonight the fam went out and saw The Departed. It was really amazing. Not since Fight Club have I been filled with 2 1/2 hours of fun characters, amazing action and a plot twisting script to die for at the movies. But everyone in it did a ridiculously good job, and... hm.... yeah, they all deserve Academy Awards. I just decided.

1 comment:

Sitzman said...

Sorry to shit on your parade, but I didn´t think The Departed was that great. It was good, but for me, it was like Syriana...I kinda felt that whatever it was trying to get across to the audience, got lost somewhere in the works. But there were still good parts.
Also, how the hell is Australia?