Jan 31, 2007

Everyone hop on the shortbus

I don't do this very often, and this is probably the least appropriate time to do it, but I have to recommend a movie. Go see shortbus. It's probably out of the theaters up in the states by now, and if you haven't seen it, then there's probably a reason. Maybe you heard that it's one of the first cinema movies ever made to have real sex in it. And maybe you heard just how much sex there was in it. There is a LOT. So much so, that we walked in 5 minutes late, and the first sight we were greeted with was a 30 foot wang in front of us. So it's not for everybody. It's not really for anybody. It's for people that can put aside their inhibitions for one night, and watch a movie that's a celebration of human interaction. It really should be classified as a porno, and be taken out of theaters. But it wasn't.

Why? It is SO well made. I can't describe. It had some of the best dialogue I have ever heard in a movie, and you could tell the makers of the movie knew that not everyone would be comfortable with the sex, so they throw in jokes in the middle of the sex scenes. Like the part where the three gay guys are daisy chaining each other and one starts singing the national anthem into another guys ass. I shit you not. It's absolutely vile and disgusting and far beyond the furthest stretches of my mind, but I was almost rolling on the floor laughing. The whole movie is filled with this humor, but it's when people are fully dressed that the movie really begins to shine, and the ending is so uplifting you can't help but leave the theater smiling from ear to ear.

I saw it with three of my friends and we all left, mouths agape, chuckling all the way home. It makes you so giddy, and not just for the fact that you just got away with watching a hardcore porno with 50 other people. We felt so good in fact that we skipped town. On a tuesday night. We packed up our stuff and drove up to Surfer's Paradise and hit the clubs. We danced all night and slept in the grass on the side of a river. We got up with the sun and still made it back with plenty of time before our 10 o'clock class.

I'm still pretty tired from the whole thing, so this post really sucks and doesn't come close to describing the entire night, but I don't think I could ever really find the words to describe how refreshing the entire experience was. It felt like I was finally really living my life without any worries. And I still got everything done. Absolutely awesome night.

My god. Listen to the shit rolling off my hands. I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Sitzman said...

Sounds fun.
Somehow I doubt it´ll make it to the theater here--I´ll keep an eye out for bootlegs, though!