Dec 12, 2004

Mechanical Arms: The Silent Killer

Tonight, i saw the single most hilariously bizarre acted of drunken stupidity that i have ever seen in my 18 long years of watching people perform hilariously bizarre acts of drunken stupidity. We were gooning around at our patch of territory in town known as Chipper's Lanes, and we were bowling a few games and having a good time in lane 6. Meanwhile, the goofy bastards (they looked like frat boys and soror girls) down in 1 and 2 were boozing it up and having a gay ol' time in more ways than one. Well, one of the goofy bastards was particularly drunk, and for whatever reason (he probably just sucks at bowling) he took off down the lane and tried sliding into the pins. He slid to a stop a couple feet short, so he got up, ran a bit more, and then slid into them, knocking them over. What a freakin' accomplishment, huh? Well, then, as usually happens when pins are knocked down, the pin clearer comes down right on the kids knees, and wipe up his ass, and push him farther into the dark abyss. Then it tries coming back out, but it gets stuck on his huge ass or something, so his friends had to call the workers over. Everyone in my lane and lane 4 were laughing our asses off and taking pictures, and some of the kids friends took pictures and laughed too, except for his girlfriend, who was crying. So the employees come over, and they basically have to take the machine apart to get the kid out. I can only imagine what that conversation was like on the walk back down the lane.
So, they get back and the lady that worked there was pretty pissed, so she asked them to pay for their beer (of which they had just ordered 2 more pitchers) and she might have asked them to pay for damages of some sorts too, but they didn't feel like doing that, and i think the kid even threatened to sue them because the arm hurt his back. So the lady was kinda pissed, so she went and called the cops. They showed up. She fuzz. She didn't look too happy to be doing that kind of crap, but she got back up from a guy who stood around with his hands on his waist. So the cops just told the people to pay for whatever they were supposed to and leave or they'd arrest them for trespassing. Unfortunately, they started cooperating and did what they said, so i didn't get to see anyone get cuffed. That really would've capped off the night.
Apart from that, i had some mediocre games. And we got Wendy's. OH YEAH!!

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