Dec 7, 2004

A road cone, a german sandwich, and 1000 connected headphones

As i thought might happen, i got a comment about how i should tell the rest of the story about what happened in germany, or austria as it was, to further prove me point about how life can just be such a coincidence. I'll try to do it in more of a story than just telling you to make it more readble. Here it is:

Ever since we had arrived in Austria, we were being quite the little hellians, being the junior highers that we were. (For all you people out there that are confused by the words "junior high", this would be the equivalent of middle school, but the fort collins system splits the freshmen off from the rest of the high school and label them as junior highers to give them one more breath of authority before getting reamed the next year in high school.) By the end, we had flodded a bathroom, broke a light switch, left marks all over the walls from hacking in a hall that was not meant to be hacked in, and... burned a few clothes hangers. But my story starts off with one day when Mitch, Wes, and I were in our room, and were looking to extend our artmaking with some wall art. We searched the room for something that would be easily adhesive to a wall, when i came across a handful of sandwiches that my host family had packed for me. I showed the guys, and at first we were all skeptical, but soon our doubts were overcome, when we noticed the extreme adhesiveness of german butter, of which they had put on a good amount. On my meat sandwich. I in no way wanted to eat the sandwiches, so i sacrificed them for the purpose of art.
Now, we wanted to finda place that would be out of the way if someone like our teacher came into the room, so we set up our canvas as the wall outside, underneath our window. We decoratively arranged the bread, cheese, meat, and some banana peels that we had into a beautiful collage of bad food, and left it for the day as we were going to take a train ride to the salt mines for the day.

We went to the salt mines and came back. They were interesting, but not interesting enough to distract me from this story. So as we were walking back from the train station, i ran across a road cone that was laying rather unpurposefully on the sidewalk, and at first, i walked past it, but then, looked back, and for whatever reason, snatched it up off the sidewalk, and took it home with me. I put in in our room, and then we were off again to go into town. We looked around in the stores and some of the crappy street venders, and (sometime suring this trip, it might not've been on this exact day) i think we each ended up buying a setof headphones, even though we each already had some, but i guess these just looked more interesting. As the day was winding down, we were looking for everyone sowe could head back to the hostel, when one of our friends came gallumphing up to us and said that ms. bieker (our teacher) had found out a bunch of the bad shit that we had done, and was steaming. Not five minutes later, we saw her coming down the street with a rather unwomanly face on, and she dragged us all back to the hostel, but not before she hadus stop at a gas sation to gather any supplies we might need for the rest of the night.

In the gas station, i didn't gather much. A coke, some candy maybe, and some bread and nutella, which we figured could be our dinner for the night. We paid and headed back to the hostel where we weren't allowed to leave for the rest of the night, and we had to write a letter to the managers saying that we were sorry, but that too is another story. So bieker gave us a royal bitching and led us into our room to point out where our art had fallen from the outside wall to the balcony below, much out of our reach if we could not get into the room directly below us, which we couldn't, but she failed to notice, i think, the pieces of sandwich still stuck to the wall, which i think would've made her more upset. So the deal was, we had to clean up the mess before that night, no matter how we had to do it...


So that night, we tried many ways to get the food off the balcony below, we tried getting into the room below us, we thought about climbing down from our room, we thought about climbing up from the ground, but neither were really possible as the balcony sat about 15-20 feet from our window and the ground. So we devised a plan, much like when the grinch stole christmas. We took that road cone that i had found, and we took those headphones that we didn't need, and we took that nutella that we had bought for dinner, and we put them all together. We tied the headphones together, which ended up being 5 or 6 pairs, and tied them to the top of the road cone. Now, before i go on, i must clarify. This road cone was not like most american road cones you'd think of, but was shorter with just a thin piece of plastic basically, but the main difference was it had a flat bottom, instead of a big hole, otherwise we'd be screwed. We would've had to use a shoe or something. So we had our long arm of cords, and then we took the cone and smothered the bottom with a coating of nutella, as the stickiness of nutella surpasses even that of german butter. Then, with extreme precision, as if we had done this a thousand times, we lowered the contraption from the window, and when we about 3 feet above the foot we intened to grab, we let go of the slack in the cord, and the cone would drop perfectly on top of the food, allowing us to pull it up for disposal.

We repeated this several times, never missing once, until all the food was gone off the balcony. We took some water and washed off the nutella marks from the wood, gave each other some high fives, and walked away from the scene happier and better men. We still had nowhere to go since we were locked in our rooms, but that night, we had the time of our lives, talking, eating candy, and writing less than apologetic apology letters to the owners of the hostel.

So there you have it you guys. I hope you like it, and i tell you, every bit happened. Thus i give you, the power of coincidence.

Signing off,

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