Sep 1, 2005

No, but help me find him!

I stepped out the door to go to work today, rounded the corner, and headed at my car when i see two dudes come down the steps of building 6. They're dressed up with collared shirts and ties, so i think they're going to work at the store where they sell washers and dryers and everything... the one that's not sears.

But they're laughing and then they go, "hey, how's it going?" I said good, but that's all i really remember, cause i don't know how i got into a conversation with them, it just kinda happened that after about 20 seconds they were talking about God, and i don't know how i got there. So they yapped and yapped, and i was just watching the people play frisbee and thinking about how i shouldn't be late to work. So a few "joseph smith's" and "the book of nephi"s later, i had the book of mormon in my hand and i was walking towards my car.

I don't know what to do with it. I don't care what religion it is, it's bad to burn sacred books. So if anyone needs to use the book of mormon for their mormon psych class, i got you covered.

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