Sep 23, 2005

Tear em open

I've had a lot of pent up aggression since starting work, i guess. Maybe not aggression, but nasty name calling. When i come home, i'll always make fun of the guys while they're playing games or whatever, and sometimes i'll just be downright nasty about it. I try to be nice, but i don't get out much anymore. It's quite obvious. The best thing happened tonight though. It was sad, but funny.

In my creative writing class, we're doing peer reviews of short stories, and this one lady told me some stuff about my story which she didn't like, and i thought was totally cool, so i let that slide. Then i got to read her story. Quite frankly, it was bad. I had trouble getting through to the end, and it was only 20 pages long, double spaced. I could've been nice and told her the small things, but the teacher wanted us to be honest and give it to the people straight. So i did. I let loose on this lady. I didn't use swear words, or straight out tell her that it was terrible, but i used more sarcasm than i've ever used in my life; which, if you know me, can be a terrifying thing to think about. So i told her what i thought was wrong with her story, but i practically wrote a whole story just telling her what was wrong with her story.

I was quite impressed, actually, that i pulled it off without just flipping out on the whole thing, but i got through it, and now i feel good. So, unless i have an outlet in the upcoming weeks, i might just go off on someone again, and i'm sorry if it's you. I really try to be a nice guy most of the time.

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