Jun 16, 2005

Bring it.

I can't help but bitch about this, but it's getting ridiculous. The other day, my dad woke me up at 7 o'clock again so i could go work at the clinic, without giving me any notice the night before. I was fucking pissed and i wasn't gonna go until my mom started crying cause the family was falling apart or whatever, but she seemed more upset that i wasn't gonna eat the breakfast that she got ready for me. So i went and worked and even worked for the guy that owns the kennel behind the clinic. It's all good, cause it was fun and i'll get paid, but it was still fucking weak sauce that he didn't tell me.

Then, after i was done working yesterday, i was talking to the kennel owner about pay and he said that my dad came over and suggested that he pay me 6.50 or 7 dollars an hour. My dad usually pays 9 or 10, so i don't know why the fuck he had to intervene in the business. I didn't want to be a bitch and ask for more, so i took it. At least that guy's cool, and he at least appreciates the work i do for him.

Then today, my mom had foot surgery. My dad wanted to get me up at 6 to take her in, even though he would already be up and be heading into town. I said something along the lines of "fuck you, she's your wife" and so he took her and i went and picked her up at 9 when she was done. I waited there for a while in the waiting room and then my dad shows up, and he tells me to go home and get the escape so my mom will have more room. So i drive home and see that the garage door was open, which it wasn't before, so i knew that my dad had gone home before he went to the doctor, and didn't get the fucking car himself. So i went back and got my mom, brought her home...

When we get home, i noticed that my mom's foot was bleeding. Fuck. We called the office and they said we'd have to go back. I took her in and it took them an hour to fix that shit, so then we went back. We got home, had lunch and my mom got up to go to the bathroom, and we noticed that she dragged blood all across the floor. My dad did nothing to help clean it up, but he rather kept eating lunch and watched me clean it up. So we had to go back to the clinic and it took an hour and a half to fix it this time, so i got to sit in the waiting room and look at old issues of highlands and do crossword puzzles.

Somehow i found the time to do tons of shit for my mom cause she's pretty immobile, but i got to watch spirited away and the life aquatic, so those made the day almost worth remembering.

I hope someone is having a good summer. I've been hearing a lot of bad stories, so i hope things start looking up if you're feeling glum. Have a good one and always, always keep it real.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats cheap (from your dad's end) not cool.-sarha