Mar 12, 2006

Parental out of control

I really can't wait until i have kids of my own. Yep, I sure can't wait to have another punching bag around. You know, just something to let out all your aggression on. Why not a kid? If they break something, it's a hell of a lot easier to break their nose than actually sitting down with them and maybe actually teaching them how to do it, too. Plus, if you hit them, then maybe you can get that kink out of your elbow from leaning up against your armrest all day.

Seriously, some of the people that i see everyday. They have kids, and then treat them like their fucking mortal enemy. They either stay the hell away from them and act like the kids are dragging them down, or act like the kid just drove their car into the river with the tv in the trunk. Fuck that shit. Kids are gonna have enough of a problem growing up in the next couple years.

1 comment:

Pablo said...
