Mar 17, 2006

That's some Frosty shit

A lot of the time when I'm bored but have somewhere to be later in the day, I'll often leave really early even if i might get there an hour early. Today I was going to pick edward up at the airport, and i left my place about 2 hours before his flight got in, assuming that i could just look around in the book shops at the airport. I don't know why, but to me, there's something extremely fun about window shopping at an airport.

Anyways, I took the road that went through Brighton, and since I wasn't all too sure where to go, I just kinda kept driving, looking for a sign, or something that looked familiar or useful. All of a sudden, this highway narrows way down and shoots straight into a neighborhood. I'm way twisted up, but I navigate through the neighborhood and come out on the other side at a road that looks like it's heading straight for the airport, so I take off down that way.

After a couple miles, it's clear to me that this is the wrong road, but I can see a bunch of airplanes up ahead of me, so i know that i'll at least pass in the right direction somewhere. The road is pretty deserted, and as my mind starts to wander, i look out to my right and see a plane coming in to land, and it's right about even with me. What am i to do except race it into the strip? So i put the pedal down, and get up around 100 where i'm racing this plane pretty damn close (or so it would seem) when the road cuts off into dirt, and i have to slow down so i don't shake my bones right out of my fucking body.

I'm still kicking up a thick cloud of dust behind me, and as nothing's cooler than that, i decide to stay on course. The airport's main tower starts to come into view and right as i'm getting close (even though i know i'm on the very opposite end of where most people enter the airport) there's a huge fence with all these warnings all over it, and not more than 50 feet on the other side of the fence is a landing strip, so i sat there for a couple minutes and got to see a plane land right in front of me and got to hear the engine fucking roar over my music.

After that, i didn't want to backtrack along that whole road to get back to where i started, so i cut through this chunk of farmland, only without the farm. After a couple miles, there's a really small hill, and while the thought of gunning it and flying over the top of this hill blind flashed through my mind, i decided i'd better not, just incase a farmer was there or something. So either way, i slow it down a bit, and as i get to the top of this hill, i can't see the road anymore. It drops off. So i look off to the right, and there's this hill, that's probbaly at a 70 degree angle maybe (i'm not good at angles, but i am good at overexaggerating) but this thing looked dangerous to even ski down. But now i'd come even further, and i checked the bottom of the hill where it flattened out into a paved road, so i checked to make sure it was clear and started down this hill. It wasn't as much driving down it as it was sliding down. I had my foot on the break the whole time, and my tires just locked up and slid down the hill at their own pace. It felt good to get onto that paved road.

That is, it felt good until i saw what was down there. I started heading back down that road to the south towards the airport again, and i realize i'm right by where the hangars are that they keep the airplanes overnight and shit, and when i look ahead on the road, there's a road block, with a couple of cop cars. I freaked out a little and pulled a quick u-ie, and figured i was maybe too many shortcuts into where i should be. So i looked back and one of the cop cars comes up and starts following me. Then the red and blue go on. Feckin' a. I pull over to the side, and the officer sits there, gives my record the once over and comes up to my window, hand on the gun.

"What can I do for you, officer?"
He explains that he's part of homeland security, and that I wasn't in a restricted area, but I was less than a mile from at least a dozen aircrafts and a couple of huge, HUGE containers that they store gas in for the entire airport complex, and my quick little u-ie was a little suspicious. I assured him nothing was wrong and i wasn't a terrorist. He points to my backseat. "What's in the bag?" I look back at the trash bags that i keep my chipper costume in. I laugh a little, and look at the officer, who's stone-faced. I give him the whole talk on what i do, but just to be safe, he makes me get out and open it up... hand on the gun and all. I was sure he'd get a laugh out of it when i opened it up to a giant chipmunk head, but he seemed sketched out as hell. He asked me a lot of questions about it and rummaged through it and all, then he just told me to get back into my car and told me the "correct" way to get back onto tower road, and then to the airport.

Even with all the setbacks, since i had left so early, i still had a couple minutes before edward's flight got in to look around in all the fine magazine shops they have there. I grabbed a bag of m&ms and sat back and watched the people get frisked at security, thinking that maybe i got the royal treatment back on the road, compared to some of these people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
