Jul 9, 2006

Another one for the books

Rack up another speeding ticket for me. I've lost count now. Is that bad? The cop said I was going 21 over, which is probably generous in it's own right, which would make it a 6 point ticket, but he knocked it down to 15 over so it'll only be $71 and a 2 point ticket if i mail it in. Good guy I guess, but they were only doing it because there's been an abundance of accidents in recent weeks.

So I'm all good with it, but the frustration sets in when we start chatting and I tell him what I do up here and how when it's this late at night (almost midnight) and i gotta get up early and i'm tired of making this fucking drive so often because I always forget stuff and it's boring as hell... oh wait... speaking of always forgetting stuff, i look over at the 4 bills i have to pay for the apartment i never get to stay in on the seat next to me, and the ticket i've just added to the pile, and i realize i forgot my fucking checkbook. There's the frustration, because i know i'll have to go back down to get that in the next few days, where i'll have to take the time (which has now been extended to 2 hours round trip because i can't speed) just to pick up one fucking thing.

So there's the bills + the ticket + the gas + the... I can't afford this job.

Sorry. Maybe I get carried away, but it gets old, and almost makes me want to quit one of the best jobs i've ever had just because i'm so secluded from the rest of the world and have to make my way between my three homes every day just because i can never keep everything straight. So that's why everyone up here smokes pot and/or does meth.

1 comment:

Sitzman said...

Just don't do meth. Otherwise you'll end up like the folks in Greeley. You know which folks.