Oct 28, 2004

Two birds with two stories.

There's been complaints that my posts about my life are more interesting than the ones where i bitch about stuff, but i feel that bitching about stuff is what i do best, so for every post that i... post, i'll try to write something about what's going on with my life in another post. So first, here's my bitch post. I've talked a bit about literature, but the new problem is costs. I went to Barnes and Noble today to get Scar Tissue, Anthony Keidis' autobiography, but i was disappointed when i saw that it was priced at $25. Yeah it's a new hardcover book, but that's a little ridiculous. America: The Book by the daily show staff was only $15, and i almost considered buying that, especially after i read one of the articles about who the suckiest president was. But the price of books seems to be way too high recently. Maybe it's because we're losing forests or something, but it's probably because of the way the books are made. Many of the books i looked at were either huge hardcover books, or paperback, with shiny lettering or indented print. It looks nice, but i have to wonder what that does to the production costs. Hell, give me a stack of post its with a book written on them and i'd read it all the same.
Another example was the Series of Unfortunate Events books. The book is printed on that paper with the serrated edges to give it the rusty look, but that, in the end will probably keep the book from coming out in paperback, and the $12 price tag is quite steep for a childrens book. Especially if you wanted to read through the books with the movie that's coming out, since the movie covers the first three books, so there's $36 right there just so you can keep up. Given, a child's parents will probably be buying books for them, but it would be discouraging to youngsters who are trying to get into reading to give up all their allowance just for a book that narry breaks 200 short pages.

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