Mar 4, 2005

Astrology can blow me

It's been a little while since i've put finger to keys and given you a little something something, so i thought that now, even though i got shit to say, would be an ok time. This week has been normal for the most part except for our incident on monday night, but it really seems like it was just turned upside down and inside-out cause i feel like my head got totally fucked with. It still feels like it. I've tried to find every different solution to get myself upright again, but my mind is so scrambled i can barely realize it's scrambled.
I don't know how many of you read your horoscopes, but the past few days i've gotten 2 star days, which i consider to be shitty, and the day seemed to fit with everything it had to say. I don't know what i got today. I'm afraid to look. The best part of the day was when i kicked ass on my speech, but the rest was slow rollin. I watched 2 holocaust movies tonight, which i know can't help. It just gets me thinking more and more about how fucked up things can get. I think that is the ultimate example of all time. Alright, there it was, not much, and just a bunch of shit on a page. Have a good night everyone.

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