Mar 30, 2005

Que Onda Guero

Today is tuesday, so of course there's a huge slew of new movies and music that are being released at your electronic store of choice. Today, my much anticipated cd: Beck's "Guero" came out so i thought i would go get myself a copy. The special edition of "Orgazmo" also came out, but i thought i would wait for now. I was driving along a very packed college street when i came up to a stoplight and sat waiting. I was stopped for about 5 whole seconds when my car jerked. It felt like i had stalled it, but that would just be silly. I looked around for an explanation and found it when i looked in my rear view mirror. There was a lady behind me who looked to be about 90 and she was sitting in her nice new caddy, totally oblivious that she had just rear-ended me. It wasn't huge, so i didn't really care, i just couldn't believe that she hadn't stopped, and hadn't noticed that she had hit me. Edward was with me, so he suggested we write down the plate number just in case. When the light turned green, I went forward so i could see her plate, but i almost lost her, as i was clear through the intersection (moving at a very moderate speed) before she had even left her spot. We got the plate number anyways, and nothing will probably come of it, but it doesn't really matter. We got out at best buy and she had basically just dusted off my bumper, but damn.

Beck's cd is pretty kickass by the way. I've only listened to 6 out of the 20 songs so far, but he's got some pretty funky beats to throw down. If you're a fan of his previous work, then you'd probably be pretty pleased. I also got the special edition which has a number of remixes and includes a dvd with videos for all of the songs that are on the cd, if i understood the labels correctly.

Also, we now have access into John's old room. It happened yesterday when i was sitting on the toilet, and i heard voices in his room. I finished up my work and checked to see who was in there. They unlocked the door and said that they were wondering what the rooms were like since they were thinking of moving in somewhere in summit. Maybe next year, i think. I probably didn't leave the best impression on them if they were to be my suitemates since i had just duked, and had left a mist of spray in the room, but it doesn't matter, cause when they left, they didn't lock the door again. And that is the story of how we got access to John's room. I don't know how much we'll use it, or what it will be used for, but it might be a good study room for me during the 20 hours that Brian is sleeping during the day. Or, you know, we could just party in there.

P.S. Blogger is a little bitch to me, so if there’s something around… 100 copies of one post, blame that.

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