Aug 13, 2005

Check out those mugs!

It always feels good to get out and about. I really don't spend too much time at home, but i always like going somewhere at night. I tend to not care too much what people think about me, and i still don't, but i decided to give myself my bi-annual haircut tonight cause i was getting pretty shaggy.

I told myself i'd take it to the limit and grow it out till i could fro it or put it in a ponytail like a dirty hippie or something, but the fact of the matter is: it looked like shit. And now, since i cut it, it just looks like less of shit, but i don't have to worry about trying to style it in any manner now.

I'd put up pictures, but i don't want to get out my camera and upload pics onto my computer and whatnot. Same old, you know. But the point is, it feels good to have shorter hair, and it was about fucking time, cause i needed to wash it anyways.

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