Aug 17, 2005

Pretty soon, you'll be an old bastard too

I was right earlier. The day was just beginning, and it ended in grand fashion. The concert tonight was amazing. Even the nary talked about Ben Lee rocked his little head off (i'm serious, he was a little dude, ask sara) and Rufus Wainright, while having slower songs, which almost killed me and sara being low on sleep had a lot of finesse. He might owe some of it to the fact that he seemed pretty flamboyantly gay, but his voice is pretty awesome. Then Ben Folds took off. The highlights were:

-The cover of a Dr. Dre song from The Chronic, set to full piano and such.
-The sing alongs where he lets you do a melody part for the song.
-When he played Gracie, which is usually a slow song about his daughter, like he was in a hardcore punk band. It was a cool change up.
-Rufus came back out and did a kickass duet with Ben.

We even got free posters at the end. Score to that.

Also, a funny thing happened today. Twice, people gave me the bird while driving, and i feel i was quite undeserving of both. The first one, i had to merge lanes with a biker and at first i was gonna floor it and get in front of him, but then it looked like he was speeding up, so i slowed down and got behind him. I made a clean move and didn't do anything crazy at all, but he flipped me off. Dead serious. Clean move. I kinda liked getting it from him though, cause he put his arm all the way as high as it would go, and then put his middle finger up as high as it would go, so it looked like he was serious about the signal, but that he could also have fun with it.

The second time, i was taking de tour through thornton cause i-25 was closed off coming back from the concert and i got up into a left turn lane behind this dude. We sat there and waited for the light to turn green, and when it did, we both turned. When we finished turning, the dude in front of me was going hella slow, and he started pumping his breaks, and he put on his turn signal without turning. No sooner had i muttered "fucking dumbass, move out of the fucking way" then he threw his arm out the window and flipped me off. Unbelievable. I got over into the other lane and went past him, and we never spoke of it again. Some people.

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