Aug 30, 2005

We'd all make a face like this...

Kids really do say the damnest things. Today, matt, craig and i took a little trip to best buy because that's what we do, and while we were there i sat down to play one of the games that you can test out. It happened to be ultimate hulk, or something like that, and while you might think it would be stupid, it was almost like the old game rampage, where'd you just run around and destroy stuff; that's it. But while i was playing, this little kid... probably about 4 or 5 comes over and goes "hey mister! whatcha doin?"
"i'm playing hulk, little fella"
"cool! can i play?"
"sure, why not"
So i hand him the controller, and while it was strikingly clear that he'd never played the game before, and maybe never even held a game controller before, this kid runs over and picks up a cop and throws him into the wall, and goes "whoa!"
I'm probably going to hell for introducing him to these things, but he was just too damned cute to deny. So he kept playing a bit, and then gave me the controller again, so i made him laugh a lot by grabbing cop cars or pedestrians, taking them to the top of the highest building i could find, and just chucking them off. Yeah, it's really pretty sick and twisted, but it was fun, and the kid was enjoying it. The game ended for me, though, when he saw the moon on the screen, and told me to grab it. I tried a few times, and then handed him the controller to go at it, and walked off.

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