Oct 14, 2005

Boy Howdy!

It's amazing how sometimes you can find excitment when you least expect it. Or humor at least. It started out tonight when i went to hang out with Amy at mugs. She was studying and i was reading a book, just trying to let her do her thang, and she looks out the window and she goes "he is really drunk!" I spin around and look out the window and i see this guy stumble up to his car, which was right by where we were sitting. He leaned up against the car and reached into his pocket. We assumed he was gonna find his keys, but he starts pulling out handfuls of peanuts and throwing them everywhere. And when we thought he couldn't possibly fit more peanuts in his pocket, he found more. I don't know it was crazy.

But then he turns around and starts trying to open the car door. It was locked so he starts yanking on the thing to the point where we thought it would break. He started looking around in his pockets again so Amy and i looked at each other and said "should we help him so he doesn't drive home?" "I guess" So I get up and walk outside and i say
"Hey bro, what's up?"
"Fuck you!"
"I'm just trying to help, it looked like you were having some trouble there."
He puts his head down..."Yeah... I love you"
Then he slaps me. Not real hard, but a drunk slap, with the limp wrist and all.

Oh yeah, just to give you an idea of just how drunk this guy was right about now, when i asked him what year he was in school, he said "british". Dead serious.

So i was just kinda laughing, but starting to wonder if this dude was worth the time.
Amy comes outside then with some water and she offers it to the dude. He takes a cup and drinks about half of it... he holds it for a while while (that was weird) we talk and then he just splashes me with all of it. Jackass. I wasn't gonna fight him or get mad cause there's no point in doing that with drunk people, when you're not in the same state of mind.

So i end up getting his phone from him and calling the first person on his recently called list, and it turns out she lives at ram's pointe, in building twelve, where kim and my friend katie live.

Coincidence? Yeah.

She says she'll come get him and i go back to talk to him and he falls over the car and hits his face on the ground and busts up his eyebrow. It's bleeding kinda good, but he keeps wiping it off on his shirt, so i can't tell just how much it's flowing. Anyways, i keep him talking and conscious until his girlie friends get there, and they take him off, and i think i'm done for the night.

No! About 5 minutes later, these three people walk along the sidewalk by us and stop at the car and start flipping out. Oh shit. I walk out and really look for the first time at what had happened, and there was scratch marks on the driver door panel and the front wheel panel was dented. It wasn't terrible, but it was a new jetta so the girl who owned it was pissed. I hadn't stopped to think that maybe it wasn't that dude's car, but either way, i told her where the guy's friends lived and they could give them his info, so they went and got it and came back to get my phone number in case they needed a witness or whatever.

After that, the people went back out the car and hugged for about 15 minutes. No joke.

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