Oct 2, 2005

Mixed feelings

I don't understand why a day can't be all the way good or all the way bad. Well, actually they can be all the way bad, but every time i get a good feeling sometime in my day, it's just shot down by something else. Yesterday was a supreme example.

:) It started out well. It was my first day off in a long time, so i slept well and woke up happy. Also, the promise of a concert that evening had me riding high.

:( I wanted to pick up my paycheck so i'd have some extra cash for the night, and when i go into work, they tell me that i'll have to go to work at 8 in the morning.

:) I cash my check, and head for boulder with a fat wallet.

:( Traffic is a bitch. I'm hungry and running low on gas, so i get there pretty late.

:) We have a smoke break at mitch's and head to the park to play frisbee. It's a nice day, and the lesbians are blooming. Two of them were right over by me. They started giving each other massages and whispering into each others ears. By the end, they're laying on top of each other in the grass. We are completely oblivious to their actions.

:( Traffic's bad again heading to Denver. We don't have time to head to the hookah bar or the Jerusalem Market where i was gonna look for a hookah.

:) We get to the concert and it kicks ass. Kaiser Chiefs, Weezer, Foo Fighters. They were all pretty awesome. There was a lot of highlights, namely Rivers Cuomo playing "Island in the Sun" on a single stage in the back of the Pepsi Center (therefore closer to us), and Davey Grohl playing Everlong solo. It was so soft and touching. Truly moving. I even get a kickass poster for $15 because the line is so short... this poster should fill up a whole wall here... it's that big.

:( After I drop Mitch off back at his dopeshack, i start heading back home, and get pulled over on the hershey highway... no, foothills parkway. This stupid thing is a two lane (each way) divided highway and the speed limit is 45. I get clocked at 59 and i get slapped with a $100, 4 point ticket. No doubt my points are running low, but i'm more pissed about the 1/3 of my new paycheck that they just hoarked from me. Fuckers. I'll probably head down to fight it. Give it a try, do something different, and we'll see what happens.

:) Get Johnson's Corner on the way home, and have a good 5 hours of sleep. ZZZZzzzzzz

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