Oct 19, 2005

Doin' Time

I love concerts. You just can't keep me away from them. It feels so good to get away from work and school for a night and just escape for a couple hours. Tonight I went with Sara and Amy to see the Appleseed Cast down in Denver, and i gotta say, it was a sweet show. For the dollar, it was probably one of the best shows i've seen, next to maybe better than ezra.

And, the people you see are so interesting. There was a girl with the most armpit hair i've ever seen on a female outside of the EU, and with her was this guy in a trenchcoat and a nose like a witch's, but they were just dancing around, having a good time, so i liked them.

I think the best part of the night was when Sara and Amy walk by a store and go "yay, a halloween store!" and they run inside. Meanwhile, i'm standing outside looking at the sign which says "gothic, BDSM, leather and"... well, it was a bondage store. I just laughed at the girls, then walked in for a spell to see some of the crazy kinky shit, but then we were out of there. But once those girls found out, the looks of surprise on their faces was priceless.

Weird part of denver, i'd say.

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