Jul 6, 2005


How bout dem fireworks, huh? City Park had a decent showing this year, and it was fun to see some old faces. The real fun happened after that, though, when we went to edora to hang out and watch kids shoot off fireworks. Everything was well until they decided to wage war upon us, even though we had nothing to fire back. They started with bottle rockets, and there was a few close shots. One went right in between Robby and I and we both had to move to get out of the way of the flaming inferno. We just laughed at the kids, so they started shooting actual fireworks like you might see at city park. They shot past us and exploded not far from our cars, freaking us out a bit, over the possibilities of what could've happened. Then they shot roman candles at us, and they were exploding right by our heads, so we had to duck down and roll down the small hill to avoid getting hit. It was pretty intense, but it was a lot of fun.

The rest of the night was spent talking and dealing drugs. The End.

1 comment:

Pablo said...

apparently they had pissed all over the surrounding trees to mark their territory, but we failed to pick up the scent, so they opened fire.