Jul 21, 2005

All aboard

Mitch and I were at the black hills today, doing our normal routine of shooting off fireworks and shooting random shit with my .22. We also saw that the train was around so we went and tried climbing on top of it to no avail, but then saw that one of the doors was sitting there wide open. I half-expected there to be a freakin dark wizard (harry potter got to my brain) or a freakin man eating lion from the circus or some shit to be in there, but it was totally empty, and free for us to run around in. We used this to get on top of the train, but we also found out how to open the other doors, so we realized that we would be quite free to have a party in one of the cars one night if we so wished... assuming people wouldn't be checking the trains late at night. It's kind of an impractical location, and would probably have no place to plug in a stereo or anything, but it would be fun, none the less, to say that we had partied on a train. We'll see if we can set that up.

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