Jul 11, 2005

It's Divine Inspiration

I think i finally learned what i want to do with my life. Today, i was helping my dad clear out the back yard so we can put in our fire pit, and we had to tear out the old, shitty, infested wood. It was a freakin blast. I mean, give me a hammer (or a 6 foot tamping rod) and i'll go at that shit for hours. I asked my dad if there were any demolition companies in town, and he said that most people start demolition in the military, which: a) didn't answer my question and b) made me think i had to join the military to tear shit apart or blow it up. No, my friends. I believe i will take the different route, and teach myself how to do these things. I'll start a company myself, but it'll probably be destroyed shortly after.

On top of that, i smashed a huge freaking spider with a hammer today, much to the dismay of the spider, i assume.

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