Jul 8, 2005

So, you've just been kancho'd...

Warning: This post will be the bitchiest and whiniest you are likely to see on my site.
(Suggested listening music: "Angels of the Silences" by the Counting Crows)

Getting kicked in the nuts hurts. I talked to Lori today, for the first time in a month and a half. I left her a message, making it sound like i had something urgent to talk about, thinking that she would call back then, and it worked. So she calls and the only reason she wants to talk to me is because i sounded serious. I hate talking to people just cause i haven't heard from them in a while, so why the fuck should she think otherwise? So she says she's in South Carolina with her boyfriend.

I think I mentioned her boyfriend before, which i'm fine with. So i just ask her why she:
a) wasn't there when i went to visit her in l.a.
b) hadn't answered her phone for the past month and a half
c) used a lot more cuss words than she used to

When I ask her about l.a., she says "Well, i ran late at work, and then i didn't think it was worth it."

Fuck that! I spent 12 fucking hours driving down there, waiting for her ass to do whatever it needed to do, and then driving back when i got bored. I'm sorry it was such an inconvenience for you to drive to see me while I was 4 miles away! It's not like I drove halfway across the country and skipped on disneyland just to see you! Fuck it. It makes me feel like taking my phone over to her house and punching her in the face with it.

Hell of a way to end a relationship. From what else was said in the conversation, that's all i can assume it is. I don't care about the romantic relationship that was lost, but when you end a friendship like that, that's fucking low, and that's like getting kicked in the nuts.

1 comment:

Pablo said...

they're grown individuals, meg... let them do their own figuring outs.