Sep 6, 2006

My eyes burn!!!!

1st. I think my stolen internet at red feather is gone for good. I'll now be limited to trips home and trips to the library.

2nd. I think i have a bone fragment floating around in my back. I broke my tailbone a couple years ago and every once in a while i get really bad back pains without doing anything. But maybe i'm just being dramatic and the real cause is i'm over-exerting myself while trying to SIT AND BE FIT.

3rd. The wonder is gone. It seems like no one believes in magic or ghosts or aliens anymore, yet millions of people can put their belief in God. I've seen evidence of all of these, but it seems now that a belief in any of them is becoming increasingly frowned upon in most of society, including God.

Because we have nothing to compare our own existence to, anything is possible.

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