May 2, 2005

Screw the Infidel

Don't you just hate rich people? They really make my blood boil. They run this country, no doubt, and it's total fuckin bullshit. this is a country built on money. It's a world built on money. Fuckin rich people, telling us what to do, telling us what we should be. They take our fuckin women and woo them with the lives that they've bought themselves into.

As you can tell i'm a bit upset. It happened with a phone call, and it's changed my life for the past 24 hours. I haven't been this worked in a while. According to iTunes, the last time i listened to RATM was in march, but i thought i'd pull them out again today for such an occasion. Hopefully, in a couple short weeks i can work this shit out when i confront the problem, but it'll probably be haunting me until then.

Fuck them, man. Fuck them in their button up shirts and their harvard scholarships. They want to be seperated from the rest of the world in ever aspect until they need something from us.

People say you only live once, so you don't want to fuck it up. Also, there is only one life that you have to sit through, watching while other people fuck it up.

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