May 24, 2005

Where the bitches at?

Where have i been for the past week you ask? Let me recap.

I went to L.A. to get my latest screenplay checked out. The exec said "don't call us, we'll call you" so i've been waiting around for the call. I also started off my music career by playing some tambourine for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I partied with them on the beach, and woke up in a room full of naked women and that creepy ass king from the burger king commercials. He had that smile on his face so i hid my sleek naked body from him and left with great haste. Meanwhile, Mitch headed out to Santa Barbara and started his surfing career. He won fifth place in a competition that 4 people entered, but it's still not bad for a little ol' kid from Colorada. After the competition, he went to the casinos to spend his prize winnings, but was promptly removed from the premises because of public urination at table 9. Edward made it back home as started off on the right foot by releasing a cook book with all of his mother's cooking secrets. It made it to the top of the Los Angeles Times' bestseller list, and he is now in talks to make it into a major motion picture starring Mrs. Doubtfire in the scene where her boobs catch on fire.

That about covers that. Now I'm back here in the good ol' U S of A, and just kickin back. I've looked for a couple jobs, but we'll see what happens. I applied at a place that's building a new hospital out by the loveland outlet malls, so maybe i'll get to work on those. When i applied i was surprised. The place was tidy, and there was no less than 3 extremely good looking girls working there. No foolies. Especially the girl at the desk. Even if i don't get the job, i'd still like to go back in there to talk to her and grab a few more dum-dums out of the candy basket.

I also checked my grades out. As expected, I excelled in all areas, and pulled off a .6 GPA for the semester, only lowering my overall to a still stellar 1.14. They didn't say anything about me getting kicked out, but i think i can read between the lines and see that they don't really want me back. And i don't want to go back, so everyone leaves happy. I also decided not to do an end of the year list of shit learned and all that like other people did. Not that's it's not a good idea, but my thoughts would probably only discourage future generations from going to college. Either way, the year kicked ass and that's all anyone needs to know. Thanks to everyone, and i hope this reaches you all in good health. Especially meg who reports of peeing blood.

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