Apr 11, 2005

Get a little air.

This was a pretty damn good weekend. A pretty damn shit hell ass good weekend indeed. On friday, eddie and i went down to boulder and partied hearty. I made a mistake and i ended up throwing up over it. I had a little alcohol in my system, but it shouldn't have been enough to make me throw up, but when we were looking for some food, we got some grandma's cookies, and in my state of mind, i forgot that the semi-sweet chocolate chunks that they are made with fuck with my stomach something fierce. So i ate two of the cookies, and after a while i started feeling not so good. I wasn't even messed up really, but i went into the bathroom and hurled. Then i came back and sat for a while, and i felt bad again so i went and blew some more chunks. And it was pretty much all chocolate. Yeah, after that i felt great so i cleaned up the mess and went back and finished out the night.

The next morning, everyone thought i would be hung over and everything just cause i threw up, but i felt great still. Eddie and i came back to the fort and then i went home to see the rents. We went and saw sin city, which was my second time, and it still kicked ass. I took it easy and spent the night in my nice warm soft bed. I slept so hard, and woke up to a shitload of snow. I was supposed to go to church, but it was cancelled... couldn't believe it. So i went back to bed. I woke up when eddie called me and asked if i wanted to go snowboarding at the dorms. I didn't know where the fuck he was talking about, so we went to epic and snowboarded there. We built a ramp and spent the day doing tricks. It was fun, and free. When we came back to the dorms, some people from the other hall built a snow fort... a real one, where you could walk in and stand up and there was a blanket over the doorway. We sat in there for a couple minutes and then came back up to warm up a bit. Just kicking it.

I hope everyone is enjoying the weather and you had a good weekend.

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