Apr 29, 2005


I woke up in a haze today. I was happy because i remembered to clean my tile area and the maid gave me a round of applause, but I was quite tired from a late night yesterday and was a bit grouchy cause i could barely look outside without being blinded by the awesome power of that which is snow.

I went to class and gave the speech which i posted here, and it went ok. I was happy to see that other people gave speeches about jack johnson, the chili peppers and even midget throwing. After that, i skipped my 2 o'clock and came back for a nice 2-3 hour nap before i got up for dinner.

I went to the thai pepper with folks from d hall, and it was quite delicious. The waitress was super attentive and refilled our drinks almost after every sip. She even refilled our water cups when there was a pitcher right there at the table. It was nice, but maybe a little excessive.

After that, it was business as usual with b-ball, vending machines, daily show, south park, silver mine....

I hope everyone is enjoying whatever weather they are having. I'm just happy we got a break from all that damn sun. Seriously.

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