Apr 17, 2005


Yesterday was a hassle. The stuff that Edward and I had to send in for E3 was due yesterday, and we didn't really have any of the stuff. I went to my mom's office to get a fax that we needed and then realized that we also needed another form of identification, so we decided to get some business cards. We went to blockbuster to get an example card, and then we went back to my house and photo shopped it up, making it look mighty fine. Just like that, we were employees at blockbuster. Then, when we had everything we needed, we tried to fax it, but the line was busy, and since the office was in Mass, we figured it might be closed because of the time change. Luckily, it was tax day, and the post office was open until 10, so we went there and sent the stuff out. Let's cross our fingers to see if they get it in time and accept our documents.

Then, we came back here and i was a little lazy, so i stayed in for the night instead of going to a party with some of the peeps here. When they left, we pulled up all of the red carpet squares in our hall and put them right by our door, and switched them with the green crappy ones. We only have 3, so we'll go get some more from other halls later, but the timing must be right. Then I watched run lola run, which i realized would be freakin awesome if i was under the influence of something. I'll try that sometime.

Tonight i'm feeling a bit more peppy, so i think i'll get out and try to find a party or whatever. We'll see. Hope everyone's weekend is going well.

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