Apr 18, 2005

The Straight Poop

Today was quite a tire. I went to church for the first time in quite a while because they were having a meeting about the future of the church after the service, and being one of the only younger people at the church, they wanted my input. I spent the whole service in the nursery coloring, even though there were no kids there. I found out that it's a lot easier to take in a service if you have a simple task to partially occupy your mind... like coloring in a clown by the numbers. At the meeting, I figured they'd ask me what kinds of activities would be fun for younguns to do and stuff like that, but a lot of the meeting was financial and a bunch of crap i didn't really care about. It was kind of discouraging, but it was their fault a lot. They said that they wanted to grow, but not a lot. I figured it was hard to find that middle ground, so if they want me to pitch in to help them grow a lot, then i can. Otherwise it's their own problem.

After that i came and played some b-ball with the boys in the nice sun, and then played some racquetball with my dad and edward. My legs refuse to move now. They're pissed. Other than that, i didn't do a whole bunch today. Just enjoyed the rest of the weekend. Hope everyone had a good one.

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