Feb 19, 2005

Assuming it's fast.

Quick story, which i thought was ironic. The other night at the club, i was standing around watching guys try to pick up chicks. I saw one guy who came up behind this girl and looks around her shoulder and gives her this crazy ass smile. The best way i can describe it is: it's like the smile that Kip gives to La Fawnda in Napoleon Dynamite when they're having the picnic and she takes off his glasses and he kind of puts his head down and puts on a stupid grin. That's all i could think of, but it looked just as pathetic. However, it worked and he was mackin on the girl hard core in the ass. Whatever.
So, tonight, we're at a party, and there's a buttload of people, but i see this same kid walk in, but he had this huge black eye and a cut from his eye down to his cheek. I couldn't help but laugh, but then i saw that he was still giving girls the same awkward smile, so it must not have been an angry boyfriend at the club that gave him the shiner.

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