Feb 19, 2005

What do i know?

Recently, it seems like my posts have been losing steam, and i'm surprised people still read them anymore, but as long as i get comments, i'll keep writing. If i bore you, though, comment on the post saying something like "This post sucked" or "Eat shit", so i know exactly what the problem is. It's like an interactive blog, except you'll get nothing in return. Nothing.
I guess my story will start out with this morning. I went to my comp class where we had to turn in the final draft of our "portfolio 1" as it was called. I had everything together (everything that i had done, that is) and i had it all in a nice stapled stack. Then when i go to hand it in, she says "You need it in a folder, or else i can't accept it". This was at the end of the class, and i had a test in mass media in ten minutes. I checked my pockets to see if i had any money with which i could buy a folder at the bookstore, but nothing came up. So i took off, stack of papers in hand.
I went into mass media, and i was freaking out cause i had just walked out of my previous class with a large portion of my grade. I sat there contemplating what i could do with Edward by my side, and then i remembered my spiral notebook. I fling it open and look at the front where there's a divider with two pockets on the outside. I ripped it out (which i was sad about cause i put a lot of important papers in there) and flipped it around so the pockets were on the inside. Then i put my portfolio 1 in there. It looked like shit. There was still a bunch of holes along the side from where i ripped it out, and there was my class schedule written on one of the pockets. I figured it would do. I went through my test, but i thought i was in a hurry to get the portfolio 1 back to her, so i didn't exactly take my time, but i'll hope for the best on my grade.
I got out of the class and headed back to where my first class was and i handed the portfolio 1 to her. "Here you go, i found a folder". She gave me a look like i was a freakin retard, but she smiled, and i knew i was gold. "Alright, if this is all you could find, then i guess i'll take it." I wanted to throw it in her face, and comment on how it would've looked better stapled together anyways, but i was thankful that she took it at all. I'll still probably get a bad grade on it since i missed a lot of daily busy work that she likes to hand out, but, like they say, anything is better than a zero.

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