Feb 22, 2005

It's all so clear now.

I think that being an automobile mechanic may be the most cost effective job ever. It seems like they make 300% more than they should. I bet you know where this is all coming from. I picked up my car today, and while we were expecting it to be $60 to $100, it ended up being a little over $450. $450!!!!! I got my tires aligned, then they came up with some other crap that was broken. They didn't say what, but they just said it was vital to the procedure. Fukdat. I'm sure i could've spent $100 on books on how to fix the shit by myself, and it would've been perfectly fine. So, i think when it comes down to it the next time, i'll just build my own car so i know how everything works and i can fix it for free when i need to. Screw this all. I'm sure you've all had problems with this too, so once i get my business started, if you guys need to get your car fixed, bring in your car and mention this post to get a spectacular discount. That's just the way i am.
I hope to see you all opening day.

1 comment:

Pablo said...

well, that should be true. the alignment itself was $60, but then there was all the other crap that they tacked on. the alignment was to fix the tires which were fractions of degrees off and maybe 2 degrees at most. I didn't think there was a problem at all, but little did i know.