Feb 7, 2005

Super Bowl indeed.

Today was a good day. Well, the whole weekend was good. I'll start with last night. I went down to Boulder to spend the night so Mitch and i could go boarding today, so we hung out down there and had a little to drink. Our friend Laura got pretty trashed and threw up a lot, but she was pretty funny, but i must say the highlight of the night was when we went out to have a smoke and a homeless fellow came up and started talking to us. He asked us about our cigs and if they had weed in them, then he started talking about how he just got out of jail for plinking a guy's sunglasses, and how it was getting down to the 2-minute warning (which we figured was the last call for alcohol). Then, out of nowhere he goes "I think i got something here" and he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a stuffed bear and gave it to Jen, a girl that lives on Mitch's floor. She was pretty creeped out by the guy in general, and she definitely didn't like the gift, but she was polite. Then he talked about being in the army and some more about the 2-minute warning, and then, again, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out this stuffed mouse. It was much creepier than the bear since it had a rubberband aorund it's eyes and a messed up scarf around it's neck, and he gave that to Jen too. I don't know where he gets these things, but i thought it was hilarious. Then, just as suddenly as he had arrived, he left and fell in with another group of kids walking around, and he followed them into one of the dorms. Jen was afraid of the animals so she gave them to me, and i still have them since everyone i've talked to since has wanted nothing to do with them. Then i had a good sleep.
I woke up this morning and we drove up to A Basin for some boarding. It was so empty being super bowl sunday, and we didn't have to wait at all all day long. It was pretty sweet. We rode for a while, then took a break for lunch. We took off our crap and took the hardest freakin hike i've ever taken into the trees to the side of the runs and ate our sandwiches that mitch had hoarked from the cafeteria i think, and then we smoked a j. Man. It hit us hard. I heard that it was fun snowboarding stoned, which it was, but it was hard. It slows your reactions down so much and makes your turns sloppy. I kind of wiped out a few times (i just had to catch my self from falling too hard) but it was still fun. Then we left a bit early and still made it back for the super bowl. Kick ass man. I guess, i watched a bit of it but didn't really get into it. When i got back to the dorms, everyone was gone and so i just got some food and kind of crashed and took a nap, and woke up in time to see the pats had won. Good for them or whatever. Anyways, i'm guessing just about everyone out there watched a bit of it, so i hope everyone had a good time. Yeah, so that was my weekend. I'll probably be posting within the week cause i got a few big events coming up, so i'll let you know how those go. Later y'all.
Corporal Crapperall

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